
DateTitleSeminar PlaceNotes
2024/09 "Supersymmetric vertex algebras" (cancelled talk) Shenzhen–Nagoya Workshop on Quantum Science 2024 hybrid slide
2023/09 "Quick introduction to chiral quantization" Shenzhen–Nagoya Workshop on Quantum Science 2023 hybrid slide
2022/06 "A discrete probability distribution expressed by Racah polynomial arising from Schur-Weyl duality" 16th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Application Zoom slide
2022/05 "Introduction to Macdonald polynomials" SUSTech-Nagoya workshop on Quantum Science 2022 Zoom slide
2021/06 "Probability distribution expressed by Racah hypergeometric orthogonal polynomial" SUSTech-Nagoya workshop on Quantum Science Zoom/Remo slide
2019/08 "Deformation theory and vertex algebras" Workshop and School "Topological Field Theories, String theory and Matrix Models - 2019" Lebedev Physical Institute slide
2019/06 "Introduction to Hall algebras" International PhD Lab in Mathematics Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
2019/02 "Hall algebra of abelian surface and Macdonald bispectral problem" Representation theory, gauge theory, and integrable systems Kavli IPMU
2018/08 "Macdonald Fuctions and Elliptic Hall Algebra" Workshop and School "Topological Field Theories, String theory and Matrix Models - 2018" Lebedev Physical Institute
2017/08 "Torus skein algebra and mirror symmetry" Workshop and School "Topological Field Theories, String theory and Matrix Models" Lebedev Physical Institute Slide
2017/03 "Turaev's skein algebra for torus and a variant of homological mirror symmetry" The 2nd OCAMI-KOBE-WASEDA Joint International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems Osaka City University
2016/11 "Liouville CFT and factorization spaces" Conformal Field Theory, Isomonodromic tau-functions and Painleve equations Kobe University
2016/10 "Factorization space and deformation of Liouville CFT" Geometric Representation Theory Kyoto University
2016/01 "K-theoretic AGT relations" RIKKYO MathPhys 2016 Rikkyo University
2015/11 "Deformed Conformal Blocks" Workshop on "Quantization of Spectral Curves" Osaka City University Slide
2015/02 "Quantum toroidal algebras and motivic Hall algebras" RIMS Project 2014 Geometric Representation Theory Camp-style Seminar Irako View Hotel Slide
2014/06 "Bridgeland stability conditions and Hall algebras of algebraic curves" Bridgeland stability and Birational geometries RIMS, Kyoto University
2014/03 "Borcherds' new definition of vertex algebras" The course "Quantum algebras" Higher School of Economics, Russia
2013/10 "Whittaker vector of deformed Virasoro algebra" Quiver Varieties Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Video
09/2013 "On K-theoretic AGT conjecture" Geometric Representation Theory Seminar University of Toronto
2013/07 "Stability conditions for (complexes of) coherent sheaves on algebraic varieties" MAGIC seminar Imperial College London
2013/01-02 "Stability conditions of sheaves and complexes on algebraic variety" Japan-Russia winter school Higher School of Economics, Moscow Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
2012/02 "On Hall algebra of complexes" JSPS/RFBR joint project workshop Higher School of Economics, Moscow
2012/02 "Fourier-Mukai transforms and wall-crossing of Bridgeland's stability conditions" International Workshop on Tropical and Quantum Geometries RIMS, Kyoto University
2011/11 "Trace of Intertwiner for Ding-Iohara algebra" JSPS/RFBR joint project workshop Kyoto University
2010/09 "AGT conjectures and Zamolodchikov-type recursive formula" JSPS/RFBR joint project workshop Higher School of Economics, Moscow Slide
2009/07 "Moduli of stable sheaves on abelian surfaces" Kobe Workshop on Geometry of Moduli Spaces Kobe University

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Last update: 2024/09/18, since 2012/11/09.