Notes on Kashiwara-Vergne and double shuffle Lie algebras
(with N.Komiyama),
to appear in "Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory"
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics.
Kashiwara-Vergne and dihedral bigraded Lie algebras in mould theory,
(with N.Komiyama),
Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 32 (2023), no. 4, 655-725.
The $\ell$-adic hypergeometric function and associators,
Tunisian. J. Math 5-1 (2023), 1-29.
The Betti side of the double shuffle theory. III. Bitorsor structures,
(with B.Enriquez),
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 29 (2023), issue no.2, article no. 27 (2023).
The Betti side of the double shuffle theory. II. Double shuffle relations for associators,
(with B.Enriquez),
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 29 (2023), issue no.1, article no. 3 (2023).
Analytic continuation of multiple polylogarithms in positive characteristic,
Tunisian. J. Math 4-3 (2022), 559-586.
The pentagon equation and the confluence relations,
Amer. J. Math. Vol 144, No 4, (2022) 873-894
On relations among multiple zeta values obtained in knot theory,
Teichm\"uller Theory and Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller Theory, the Advanced Lectures in Mathematics (ALM) book series, Vol 49 Ch 5, pp-75-92, Higher Education Press, Beijing (2022).
The Betti side of the double shuffle theory. I. The harmonic coproduct,
(with B.Enriquez), Selecta Math. (N.S.) 27 (2021), no. 5, Paper No. 79.
Galois action on knots II: proalgebraic string links and knots,
"Periods in Quantum Field Theory and Arithmetic"
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 314 (2020), Springer, Cham 541-591.
$p$-adic multiple $L$-functions and cyclotomic multiple harmonic values,
(with D.Jarossay),
International Journal of Number Theory Vol. 16, No. 02 (2020) 361-375.
A stabilizer interpretation of double shuffle Lie algebras
(with B.Enriquez),
IMRN, 22 (2018), 6870-6907
On the coefficients of the Alekseev Torossian associator,
Journal of Algebra 506 (2018), 364-378.
Desingularization of multiple zeta-functions of generalized Hurwitz-Lerch type and evaluation of $p$-adic multiple $L$-functions at arbitrary integers,
(with Y.Komori,
K.Matsumoto and
RIMS Kokyuroku bessatsu B68 (2017), 27-66.
Galois action on knots I: Action of the absolute Galois group,
Quantum Topol. 8 (2017), no. 2, 295-360.
Desingularization of complex multiple zeta-functions
(with Y.Komori,
K.Matsumoto and
Amer. J. Math. 139, No 1 (2017), 147-173.
Fundamentals of p-adic multiple L-functions and evaluation of their special values
(with Y.Komori,
K.Matsumoto and
Sel. Math. New Ser. 23, (2017), 39-100.
p-adic Eisenstein-Kronecker series for CM elliptic curves and the Kronecker limit formulas,
(with S.Kobayashi and
Nagoya Math. J. 219 (2015), 269-302.
Around associators,
Automorphic forms and Galois representations, 2, 105-117, London Math.Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 415 (2014), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
Geometric interpretation of double shuffle relation for multiple L-values,
Galois-Teichm\"{u}ller theory and Arithmetic Geometry,
Advanced Studies in Pure Math 63 (2012), 163-187.
Mixed Pentagon, octagon and Broadhurst duality equation,
(with B.Enriquez),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol 216, Issue 4, (2012), 982-995.
Double shuffle relation for associators,
Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 174 (2011), No. 1, 341-360.
Pentagon and hexagon equations,
Annals of Mathematics, Vol. 171 (2010), No. 1, 545-556.
Algebraic cycles and motivic generic iterated integrals (with
Mathematical Research Letters,(2007) Vol 14, No.6, 923-942.
Regularization and generalized double shuffle relations
for p-adic multiple zeta values, (with
Compositio Math. Vol 143, (2007), 1089-1107.
p-adic multiple zeta values II -- tannakian interpretations,
Amer.J.Math, Vol 129, No 4, (2007),1105-1144.
p-adic multiple zeta values -- a pr\'{e}cis.
p-adic mathematical physics, 2nd international conference,
Amer.Inst.Phys, (2006), Conf. Proc. Vol 826, 222-236.
The double shuffle relations for p-adic multiple zeta values,
(with A.Besser).
AMS Contemporary Math, Vol 416, (2006), 9-29.
Periods and Motives, A Modern Perspective on Renormalization,
Instituto de Ciencias Matem\'{a}ticas Universidad Aut\'{o}noma de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain, 2nd-6th. July. 2012.
String seminar,
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 28th. June. 2012.
S\'{e}minnaire de G\'{e}om\'{e}trie et Dynamique,
Groupe de travail de Renormalisation -Supersym\'{e}trie,
math\'{e}matiques \`{a} Jussieu; Jussieu / Chevaleret, Paris, France,
27th. November. 2008.
S\'{e}minnaire d'alg\`{e}bre,
Institut Camille Jordan, Universit\'{e} Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
Lyon, France, 20th. November. 2008.
H. Bachmann (JSPS fellow, 2016, YLC assistant, 2017-2019),
T. Matsusaka (YLC assistant, 2020-2021),
M. Hirose (YLC assistant, 2021-2024),
K. Yaddaden (JSPS fellow, 2023-),
A. Burmester (JSPS fellow, 2024-),
S. Rutard (JSPS fellow, 2024-).
Graduate School of Mathematics,
Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Furo-cho, Nagoya 464-8602 Japan
Tel : +81-52-789-2418
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