Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
ADDRESS: Furocho, Chikusaku, Nagoya, Japan / POSTAL CODE: 464-8602

Research - Past Conferences and Workshops

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Update: 2024/12/05


Past Conferences and Workshops

2023 academic year

Nov. 27–Dec. 1 The 23rd International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
[Other Site] The 32nd Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG 32)
Oct. 10–13 [Other Site] International workshop on Birational Geometry

2022 academic year

Nov. 7–11 The 22nd International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
[Other Site] Rationality, Moduli Spaces, and Related Topics

2021 academic year

Sep. 26–29 The 21st International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
International Conference on Discrete Geometric Analysis for Materials Design
Aug. 18–20 The 20th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
The 8th East Asian Conference in Harmonic Analysis and Applications
Aug. 10–11 Harmonic Analysis and Wave Phenomena

2019 academic year

Sep. 30–Oct. 4 Supersingular Abelian Varieties and Related Arithmetic
Aug. 26–31 The 19th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
[Other Site] The 8th China–Japan–Korea International Symposium on Ring Theory
Jun. 17–20 Discrete Groups and Moduli
Apr. 12–13 Nagoya-SUSTech Quantum Information Workshop

2018 academic year

Mar. 27–29 The 18th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Information Geometry and Affine Differential Geometry III
Mar. 11–15 Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Theory (at RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)
Nov. 16–17 [Other Site] Workshop on McKay correspondence and noncommutative algebra
Sep. 18–19 Workshop on the Navier–Stokes flow
Sep. 16–19 Rigidity School — The Final Meeting
May 22–24 Infinite Analysis 18 Spring School — R-matrices, Cluster Algebras, and Integrable Systems

2017 academic year

Mar. 19–21 Fundamental Aspects of Geophysical Turbulence III
Dec. 19–21 The 17th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
K3 Surfaces and Related Topics
Aug. 21–25 Various Aspects of Multiple Zeta Functions — Conference in Honor of Kohji Matsumoto’s 60th Birthday

2016 academic year

Jan. 30–31 Numerical Methods and Analysis for Structures and Singularities in Fluids II
Nov. 16–20 [Other Site] Conference on K3 surfaces and related topics (at KIAS, Seoul)
Nov. 7–11 Moonshine and K3 surfaces
Aug. 29–Sep. 1 [Other Site] Infinite Analysis 16 Summer School: Integrable Hierarchies and Beyond
Jul. 26–29 Rigidity School, Nagoya 2016

2015 academic year

Mar. 7–11 The 16th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
The Navier–Stokes Equations and Related Topics
Nov. 9–13 The 15th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Zeta Functions of Several Variables and Applications
Aug. 5–7 Fundamental Aspects of Geophysical Turbulence II (at NCAR, Boulder)

2014 academic year

Feb. 13–15 Analytical aspects of the dbar equation
Dec. 11–12 Workshop on New Perspectives in Quantum Turbulence: experimental visualization and numerical simulation
Dec. 8–9 Numerical Methods and Analysis for Structures and Singularities in Fluids
Nov. 10–14 K3, Enriques Surfaces and Related Topics
Sep. 9–11 The 14th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
[Other Site] Summer School on Cluster Algebras in Mathematical Physics

2013 academic year

Mar. 10–12 Fundamental Aspects of Geophysical Turbulence
Nov. 11–15 The 13th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Perspectives of Representation Theory of Algebras
Jun. 11–21 The 6th MSJ-SI — Development of Moduli Theory (at RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)

2012 academic year

Dec. 13–15 [Other Site] The 2nd International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (at Kyoto International Community House, Kyoto)
Nov. 26–30 [Other Site] Algebraic geometry, modular forms and applications to physics (at ICMS, Edinburgh, UK)
Sep. 17–20 Japan–Singapore Workshop on Multi-user Quantum Networks (at National University of Singapore)
Jul. 30–Aug. 3 The 24th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
May 1–3 The 12th International Conference, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Conference on Resolution of Singularities and the McKay Correspondence

2011 academic year

Mar. 21–24 The 11th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Topology and Analysis on Foliations
Mar. 12–16 Representation Theory of Chevalley Groups and Related Topics
Dec. 19–23 Automorphisms of algebraic varieties — Dynamics and Arithmetic (at Shirahama, Wakayama, JPN)
Nov. 9–12 Japan–Korea Number Theory Seminar 2011
Aug. 16–25 [Other Site] Workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi–Yau threefolds (at Fields Institute, Tronto, Canada)

2010 academic year

Mar. 21–24 Nagoya University GCOE Spring School 2011 — Gauge Theory, Gravity, and String Theory
Feb. 14–15 Workshop “The elliptic genus of K3 surfaces and the Mathieu group M24
Feb. 2–4 The 3rd Nagoya Workshop on Differential Equations
Nov. 24–26 Workshop “Lattices, Reflection Groups and Algebraic Geometry”
Nov. 22–26 Witt vectors, foliations, and absolute de Rham cohomology
Aug. 2–6 The 10th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups ’10
Jul. 26–30 The 5th Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference 2010

2009 academic year

Sep. 28–Oct. 1 The 9th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Jun. 8–12 Moduli and Discrete Groups

2008 academic year

Nov. 5–7 Algebraic Geometry in Positive Characteristics and Related Topics
Sep. 1–5 The 8th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Combinatorics and Representation Theory

2007 academic year

Jan. 26–29 The 3rd Geometry Conference for Friendship of Japan and China
Aug. 27–31 Birational Automorphisms of Compact Complex Manifold and Dynamical Systems
Aug. 6–10 The 7th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Spectral Analysis in Geometry and Number Theory
Jun. 18–22 Rigidity School, Fukuoka 2007

2006 academic year

Mar. 5–8 Exploration of New Structures and Natural Constructions in Mathematical Physics
Sep. 25–29 Rigidity School, Nagoya 2006
Jul. 24–15 Workshop “Fake Projective Planes and Arithmetic Quotients”
Jul. 3–7 Mini-Workshop “Geometry and Groups”
Jun. 12–17 The 6th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups 06

2005 academic year

Nov. 16–19 The 5th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Geometric Quantization and Related Complex Geometry
Nov. 11–14 Non-Linear Methods in Complex Geometry
Sep. 28–30 Workshop “Moduli, Compactifications and related Topics”

2004 academic year

Dec. 18–21 Differential Geometry in Nagoya 2004
Dec. 9–11 The 4th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Complex Geometry and String Theory
Dec. 3–4 Galois Theory, Painlevé equations and Algebraic Geometry
Jul. 5–9 Korea–Japan Conference on Algebraic Geometry

2003 academic year

Nov. 10–12 The 3rd International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Numbers, Symmetry and the Concept of Space — The COE Opening Conference

2002 academic year

Sep. 2–5 Discrete Groups and Moduli