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組織委員:杉本充 菱田俊明 加藤淳 寺澤祐高

2021 年度

講師:藤原 和将 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)

本講演では, 周期境界条件に於ける半線型シュレーディンガー方程式の時間大域可解性を検討する. 特に本講演では, 空間1次元に於いて2次の非線型項を伴う初期値問題に就いて検討する. 絶対値冪乗型の非線型項を有する分散型の方程式に対する時間大域可解性は, これまで解のフーリエ0モードに着目した議論によって主に検討されてきた. 一方で, 初期状態や解の振動による解の時間大域可解性への貢献に就いては, 充分に検討されてこなかった. 本講演では, 解のフーリエ0モードと振動による解の自己相互作用を調べる事で, 自乗可積分な初期状態に対する時間大域可解性の為の必要充分条件を導出する. なお, 本講演はピサ大学の V. Georgiev 教授との共同研究に基づく.

講師:千頭 昇 氏 (名古屋工業大学)
題目:Hardy-Hénon parabolic equation in weighted Lebesgue space

The Cauchy problem for the Hardy-Hénon parabolic equation is studied in the critical and subcritical regime in weighted Lebesgue spaces on the Euclidean space. Well-posedness and existence of non-radial forward self-similar solution of the problem are previously shown only in the Hardy and Fujita cases. The weighted spaces enable us to treat the potential as an increase or decrease of the weight in the weighted Lebesgue spaces, thereby we can treat the problem for all cases of Hardy, Hénon and Fujita in a unified manner. As a byproduct, the self-similar solutions to the problem is also constructed. An ill-posedness result for a supercritical data is also shown. This talk is based on the joint work with M. Ikeda (Keio U. /RIKEN) and K. Taniguchi (Tohoku U.).

講師:寺澤 祐高 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:A Liouville-type theorem for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in the three dimensional whole space under a condition of the head pressure

We study the stationary Navier-Stokes equations in the three dimensional whole space. We show a sufficient condition for the Liouville-type theorem in terms of the head pressure. It gives a variant of a recent result of D. Chae. One of the important ingredients of our approach is an energy estimate inspired by the argument of Gilbarg and Weinberger. This talk is based on a joint work with Professor Hideo Kozono and Professor Yuta Wakasugi.

講師:菱田 俊明 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:Large time decay of a generalized Oseen evolution operator arising from time-dependent rigid motions in exterior domains

Consider the motion of a viscous incompressible fluid past a rotating rigid body in 3D, where the translational and angular velocities of the body are prescribed but time-dependent. In a reference frame attached to the body, we have the Navier-Stokes system with the drift and (one half of the) Coriolis terms in a fixed exterior domain. For the linearized non-autonomous system, smoothing action near the initial time as well as generation of the evolution operator was shown by Hansel and Rhandi under reasonable conditions. Objective of the present talk is to develop large time decay estimates of the evolution operator, which must be useful for the study of stability/attainability of the Navier-Stokes flow in several physically relevant situations. Our main theorem completely recovers the $L^q$-$L^r$ estimates for the autonomous case (Stokes and Oseen semigroups, those semigroups with rotating effect) in 3D exterior domains by researches due to Iwashita, Maremonti, Solonnikov, Shibata, Kobayashi and the speaker.

講師:高橋 知希 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D3)
題目:Attainability of a stationary Navier-Stokes flow around a rigid body rotating from rest

In this talk, we consider the large time behavior of a viscous incompressible flow around a rotating rigid body. In particular, assume that both a compact rigid body in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and a viscous incompressible fluid that occupies the outside are at rest, and that the rigid body gradually increases the angular velocity and moves at a constant angular velocity after a certain time. Then we show that the fluid motion converges to the steady solution obtained by Galdi (2003) as time $t\rightarrow\infty$.

講師:玉田 優太 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D3)
題目:Global existence of solutions for semilinear damped wave equations with variable coefficients

We consider the Cauchy problem for damped wave equations with variable coefficients $a(x)$ having power type nonlinearity of order $p$. We discuss the global existence of solutions for small initial data and investigate the relation between the range of $a(x)$ and the order $p$.

講師:鈴木 聡一郎 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D2)
題目:On the BMO Hörmander condition

We consider a natural generalization of the classical Hörmander condition in the Calderón-Zygmund theory. In this talk, we prove that the $L^1$ mean Hörmander condition, which was introduced by Grafakos and Stockdale (2019), is actually equivalent to the classical one. On the other hand, we also show that if we modify the $L^1$ mean condition in the sense of BMO, then we obtain the condition which is strictly weaker than the classical one but still enough to the $L^p$ boundedness.

[談話会 ]  7月21日(水)
講師:中西 賢次 氏 (京都大学 数理解析研究所)
題目:非線形消散 Klein-Gordon 方程式に対する 2-ソリトン周辺の大域ダイナミクス

非線形波動・分散型方程式の数理解析は近年, 個々の解の挙動から一般解全体の様相や分類を論じる段階へ深化しつつあり, その指導原理として「ソリトン分解予想」は, 解の時間的漸近挙動が一般的にソリトンの重ね合わせで近似できることを主張する. この方向の結果は既に数多く得られているが, 解の大きさや対称性, 時間の部分列などの制約があり, 方程式を限定しても完全な解決には至っていない. しかし最近, Cote-Martel-Yuan (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. '21) は、空間 1 次元の非線形 Klein-Gordon 方程式に摩擦項を加えた場合にエネルギー空間の全ての解について, 有限時間内に爆発するか, 緩やかに離散する N 個のソリトンの重ね合わせに漸近する (N-ソリトン, 0 個の場合も含む) ことを証明した. この完全な漸近挙動分類に対して, 次の自然な疑問はどの初期値がどの漸近挙動に対応するのか?であろう. 本講演では、2-ソリトン解の近傍の初期値と解挙動の関係について, 石塚健二郎氏 (京大) との共同研究を解説する. 2-ソリトン解の集合がエネルギー空間内で余次元 2 の多様体を成すことは Cote-Martel-Yuan-Zhao (arxiv '19) により示されているが, 我々の結果は, それが符号の異なる 1-ソリトンの多様体 2 つを境界で接続する形になっていて, それらを合わせたソリトン解の集合が, 残りの初期値を減衰解と爆発解の二領域に分けている事を示す. 証明のポイントは, 2 つのソリトンそれぞれに対応する不安定モードの増大度はソリトンの相互作用で線形化近似から外れて行くが, 2 つのモードでズレ方の主要部分が同じため, 初期値の多様体の形状には本質的に影響しないという所である. なお, 3-ソリトン (以上) の近傍を考えると, 本質的に新たな困難として「ソリトンの融合」が現われるが, この問題についても説明したい.

[研究集会 ]  8月10日 (火) 〜 11日 (水)
「Harmonic Analysis and Wave Phenomena」
開催方法:Zoom によるオンライン開催
プログラム:PDF file
アブストラクト:PDF file
実行委員会:加藤淳 (名古屋大学), 加藤睦也 (群馬大学), 木下真也 (埼玉大学), 筒井容平 (京都大学), 寺澤祐高 (名古屋大学), 冨田直人 (大阪大学), 永安聖 (兵庫県立大学)

講師:菱田 俊明 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:Optimal boundary control for steady motions of a self-propelled body in a viscous incompressible fluid

Consider steady motions of a self-propelled rigid body into an infinite viscous incompressible fluid in 3D. We say that a body undergoes a self-propelled motion if the external force and external torque acting on fluid-body are zero so that the body moves only by a mechanism produced by itself at the boundary through fluid-body interaction. Given translational and angular velocities being assumed to be small, we show the existence of many boundary controls subject to a physically relevant side condition (such as tangential control or localized control) which generate the self-propelled motion of the body with target velocity and then discuss minimization of the work to overcome the drag. We next derive a necessary condition for optimal boundary control in terms of a variational inequality, where the adjoint state associated with the optimal control is involved as a Lagrange multiplier. This talk is based on a joint work with Ana Silvestre (Lisbon) and Takeo Takahashi (Nancy).

講師:高橋 知希 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D3)
題目:Existence of a stationary Navier-Stokes flow past a rigid body, with application to starting problem in higher dimension

We consider the large time behavior of the Navier-Stokes flow past a rigid body in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $n\geq 3$. We first construct a small stationary solution possessing the optimal summability at spatial infinity, which is the same as that of the Oseen fundamental solution. When the translational velocity of the body gradually increases and is maintained after a certain finite time, we then show that the nonstationary fluid motion converges to the stationary solution corresponding to a small terminal velocity of the body as time $t\rightarrow\infty$ in $L^q$ with $q\in[n,\infty]$. This is called Finn's starting problem and the three-dimensional case was affirmatively solved by Galdi, Heywood and Shibata (1997). We extend it to the case of higher dimensions. Even for the three-dimensional case, our theorem provides new convergence rate.

講師:山本 涼介 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D2)
題目:A sharp sparse domination of pseudodifferential operators

In this talk, we give a sharp sparse domination of pseudodifferential operators associated with symbols belonging to the Hörmander class, and fundamental solutions of dispersive equations. Furthermore, we give boundedness results of these operators on weighted Besov spaces with Muckenhoupt weights by using the sparse domination.

講師:生駒 真 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 D2)
題目:Optimal constants of smoothing estimates for the 2D Dirac equation

In this talk, we find the optimal constants of smoothing estimates for the free 2D Dirac equation. The smoothing estimates (Kato-type smoothing estimates) which express the smoothing effect of dispersive equations such as Schr¥"{o}dinger equation have been studied for a long time, and now many facts are known for more general partial differential equations not limited to dispersive equations. On the other hand, the optimal constants of smoothing estimates for the Dirac equation is unknown, even in special cases. We will solve this problem in the free 2D case.

[談話会 ]  11月17日(水)
講師:石毛 和弘 氏 (東京大学 数理科学研究科)
題目:Dirichlet heat flow によって保存される凹性概念

放物型方程式の解の凹性は, Brascamp-Lieb (1976), Korevaar (1983) らの研究を契機として大きく進展した. 例えば, 凸領域における Dirichlet 境界条件付き熱方程式に対して, 初期関数が対数凹であるとき, その解は時間が経過しても対数凹であることが知られている. 本講演では, Paolo Salani 氏 (フィレンツェ大学), 高津飛鳥氏 (都立大) との共同研究に基づき, 冪凹性やその一般化を用いて, どのような凹性概念が Dirichlet heat flow によって保存されるのか, について述べる.

[集中講義 ]  11月29日〜12月3日
講師:冨田 直人 氏 (大阪大学 理学研究科)

偏微分方程式において, フーリエ乗法作用素は基本的な道具である. この授業では, 線形と双線形のフーリエ乗法作用素の有界性を解説する.

1. フーリエ変換の基礎事項
2. 線形のフーリエ乗法作用素について
3. 双線形のフーリエ乗法作用素について

講師:鈴木 政尋 氏 (名古屋工業大学)
題目:The kinetic and hydrodynamic Bohm criterions for plasma sheath formation

The purpose of this talk is to mathematically investigate the formation of a plasma sheath, and to analyze the Bohm criterions which are required for the formation. Bohm derived originally the (hydrodynamic) Bohm criterion from the Euler-Poisson system. Boyd and Thompson proposed the (kinetic) Bohm criterion from kinetic point of view, and then Riemann derived it from the Vlasov-Poisson system. We study the solvability of boundary value problems of the Vlasov-Poisson system. On the process, we see that the kinetic Bohm criterion is a necessary condition for the solvability. The argument gives a simpler derivation of the criterion. Furthermore, the hydrodynamic criterion can be derived from the kinetic criterion. It is of great interest to find the relation between the solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson and Euler-Poisson systems. To clarify the relation, we also investigate the hydrodynamic limit of solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system.

[研究集会 ]  1月6日 (木) 〜 7日 (金)
開催方法:Zoom によるオンライン開催
プログラム:PDF file
世話人:谷内靖 (信州大学), 加藤淳 (名古屋大学), 寺澤祐高 (名古屋大学), 三浦英之 (東京工業大学)

講師:津々 直大 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科 M2)
題目:Spectral theory for topological crystals perturbed by infinitely many new edges

During this seminar, we shall present the spectral theory for the Laplace operator acting on topological crystals, which are periodic infinite graphs, and on their perturbations. A special attention is paid to perturbations obtained by the addition of an infinite number of edges, and/or by the removal of a finite number of them, but perturbations of the underlying measures are also considered. The proof is based on the conjugate operator's method, which involves the study of a Floquet-Bloch variety. The description of the nature of the spectrum of the resulting operators are standard outcomes for these investigations.

[学位審査セミナー ]  2月7日 (月) 14:00〜15:30
申請者:玉田 優太 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:Global existence of soutions for semilinear damped wave equations with variable
会場:多元数理科学棟 209号室

[学位審査セミナー ]  2月8日 (火) 10:30〜12:00
申請者:鄭 大樹 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:The role of forward self-similar solutions in the Cauchy problem for semi-linear heat equations with exponential nonlinearity

[学位審査セミナー ]  2月9日 (水) 13:00〜14:30
申請者:高橋 知希 氏 (名古屋大学 多元数理科学研究科)
題目:Attainability of a stationary Navier-Stokes flow around a moving rigid body
会場:多元数理科学棟 552号室

[研究集会 ]  3月15日 (火) 〜 16日 (水)
「第13回 名古屋微分方程式研究集会」 (Web サイト)
開催方法:Zoom によるオンライン開催
プログラム:PDF file


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