柳田伸太郎 少人数クラスの紹介
現在, 私達 (柳田やその学生) は頂点代数をはじめとする量子代数の研究しています.
研究手法は代数的及び幾何学的な表現論, 代数幾何学, そして特殊函数論です.
少人数クラスのテーマとしては, 代数幾何学であればモジュライ理論,
- Frenkel, Ben-Zvi, "Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves", MSM 88 (AMS).
- Huybrechts, Lehn,
"The geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves", 2nd edition (Cambridge).
- 代数幾何の基礎, 特にスキーム論:Hartshorne, "Algebraic Geometry", GTM 52 (Springer).
- Lie理論の基礎, 構造論と表現論:谷崎," リー代数と量子群" (共立出版).
- 多元環の表現論, 圏論的手法を含む:岩永, 佐藤," 環と加群のホモロジー代数的理論" (日本評論社).
M1春学期: 上野, "代数幾何" (岩波書店).
M1春/秋学期: Frenkel, "Langlands correspondence for loop groups" (Cambridge).
M1春学期: 高野, "常微分方程式" (朝倉書店).
M1春/秋学期: Hotta, Takeuchi, Tanisaki,
"D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory" (Birkhauser).
M2春学期: Kapranov, Vasserot, "Supersymmetry and the formal loop space", Adv. Math., 2011.
M1春学期: 池田, "数え上げ幾何学講義" (東大出版会).
M1春学期: 小木曽, "代数曲線論" (朝倉書店).
M1春/秋学期: Donagi, Markman,
"Spectral curves, algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian systems, and moduli of bundles",
LNM1620, 1996.
M1秋学期: Hurtubise, Markman, "Calogero-Moser Systems and Hitchin Systems", CMP, 2001.
M2春学期: Costello, "Notes on supersymmetric and holomorphic field theories in dimensions 2 and 4",
Pure Appl. Math. Quart., 2013
M1春学期: 野海, "パンルヴェ方程式" (朝倉書店).
M1秋学期: Iohara, Saito, "Invariants of the Weyl group of type A(2)_2l",
Proc. Appl. Math. Q., 2020.
M2秋学期: Macdonald, "Affine Hecke algebras and orthogonal polynomials" (Cambridge).
M1秋学期: 小林, 大島, "リー群と表現論" 13章 Borel-Weil (岩波書店).
Kumar, "Conformal Blocks, Generalized Theta Functions and the Verlinde Formula" (Cambridge).
M2秋学期: Malikov, Schechtman, Vaintrob, "Chiral de Rham Complex", CMP, 1999.
M1春学期: 野村, "球面調和函数と群の表現" (日本評論社).
M1春/秋学期: 山田, "共形場理論" (培風館).
M2春学期: Heluani, Kac, "Supersymmetric Vertex Algebras", CMP, 2007.
M1春学期: Assem, Simson, Skowronski,
"Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras 1" (Cambridge).
M1秋学期: Kirillov Jr., "Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties", GSM 174 (AMS).
M2春学期: Konno, "Elliptic Quantum Groups" (Springer).
Etingof, Golberg, Hensel, Liu, Schwendner, Vaintrob, Yudovina,
"Introduction to representation theory", arXiv:0901.08275.
Kirillov Jr., "Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties", GSM 174 (AMS).
M1春学期: Mumford, Fogarty, Kirwan, "Geometric Invariant Theory", 3rd edition (Springer).
M1秋学期: King, "Moduli of representations of finite dimensional algebras",
Q. J. Math., 1994.
M1秋学期: Schiffmann, "Lectures on Hall algebras", arXiv:math/0611617.
M1秋学期: Bridgeland, "Quantum groups via Hall algebra of complexes", Ann. Math., 2013.
M1春学期: 樋口, 田代, 山崎, 渡辺 , "曲面上の関数論" (森北出版).
M1春学期: Mumford, "The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes", LNM 1358 (Springer).
M2春学期: Huybrechts, "Fourier-Mukai transforms in Algebraic Geometry" (Oxford).
M2秋学期: Kapranov, "On the derived category of coherent sheaves on Grassmann manifolds",
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 1984.
M2春学期: Szamuely, "Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups" (Cambridge).
M2秋学期: Cadoret, "Galois Categories", Progress in Math. 304, 2013 (Birkhauser).
M1春学期: 岩永, 佐藤 , "環と加群のホモロジー代数的理論" (日本評論社).
M1秋学期: 高橋 , "弦理論の代数的基礎", SGCライブラリー 89 (サイエンス社).
M2春学期: Schiffmann, "Lectures on Hall algebras", arXiv:math/0611617.
M2秋学期: Toën, "Derived Hall algebras", Duke Math J., 2006.
M1春学期: Humphreys, "Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory" (Springer).
M1秋学期: 白石 , "量子可積分系入門" SGCライブラリー 28 (サイエンス社).
M2春学期: Shiraishi, Kubo, Awata, Odake,
"A quantum deformation of the Virasoro algebra and the Macdonald symmetric functions",
Lett. Math. Phys. 38, 1996.
M2秋学期: Tsuchiya, Kanie,
"Fock Space Representations of the Virasoro Algebra", Publ. RIMS, 1986.
M1春学期: Gelfand, Manin, "Methods of Homological Algebra" (Springer).
M1秋学期: 梶浦 , "数物系のための圏論", SGCライブラリー 75 (サイエンス社).
M2春/秋学期: Iohara, Koga, "Representation Theory of the Virasoro Algebra" (Springer).
ないし学生同士でセミナーをして, 勉強してもらっています.
- 特殊関数論と古典解析
- Whittaker, Watson, "A course of modern analysis", 5th ed. (Cambridge).
- 犬井, "特殊函数" (岩波書店).
- Gasper, Rahman, "Basic Hypergeometric Series", 2nd ed. (Cambridge).
- Mumford, "Tata lectures on Theta I" (Birkhauser).
- Riemann面
- 小木曽, "代数曲線論" (朝倉書店).
- 寺杣, "リーマン面の理論" (森北出版).
- Donaldson, "Riemann surfaces" (Oxford).
- 代数幾何
- 上野, "代数幾何" (岩波書店).
- 永井, "代数幾何学入門" (森北出版).
- 上野, 清水, "複素構造の変形と周期", 第1-3章 (岩波書店).
- 並河, "複素代数多様体" (サイエンス社).
- 並河, "複素シンプレクティック代数多様体" (サイエンス社).
- Hartshorne, "Algebraic Geometry" (Springer).
- Griffiths, Harris, "Principles of Algebraic Geometry" (Wiley).
- Liu, "Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves" (Oxford).
- Barth, Hulek, Peters, Van de Ven,
"Compact Complex Surfaces" (Springer).
- Mumford, "Abelian Varieties" (TIFR).
- Cattani, et. al., "Hodge Theory" (Princeton).
- ベクトル束・層のモジュライ・導来圏
- Huybrechts, Lehn,
"The geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves", 2nd ed. (Cambridge).
- Huybrechts, "Fourier-Mukai transforms in Algebraic Geometry" (Oxford).
- 上原, 戸田, "連接層の導来圏と代数幾何学" (シュプリンガー).
- Lie群, 古典群, 代数群
- 大島, 小林, "Lie群と表現論" (岩波書店).
- 岡田, "古典群の表現論と組み合わせ論" (培風館).
- Milne, "Algebraic Groups" (Cambridge).
- 有限次元Lie環, Kac-Moody Lie環
- Bourbaki, "Groues et algebres de Lie", Chaptires 4-6 (Springer).
- Kac, "Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras", 3rd ed. (Cambridge).
- 量子群
- 神保, "量子群とヤン・バクスター方程式" (シュプリンガー).
- Chari, Pressley, "Quantum Groups" (Cambridge).
- Lusztig, "Introduction to Quantum Groups" (Birkhauser).
- Etingof, et. al., "Tensor Categories" (AMS).
- 幾何学的表現論
- Chriss, Ginzburg, "Representation Theory and Complex Geometry" (Birkhauser).
- Nakajima, "Lectures on Hilbert schemes of points on Surfaces" (AMS).
- Kirillov Jr., "Quiver Representations and Quiver Varieties" (AMS).
- Achar, "Perverse Sheaves and Applications to Representation Theory" (AMS).
- 代数解析
- 柏原, "代数解析概論" (岩波書店).
- Kashiwara, Schapira, "Sheaves on Manifolds" (Springer).
- Hotta, Takeuchi, Tanisaki,
"D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory" (Birkhauser).
- 二次元共形場理論, 頂点代数
- 山田, "共形場理論" (培風館).
- 江口, 菅原, "共形場理論" (岩波書店).
- 上野, 清水, "複素構造の変形と周期", 第4章 (岩波書店).
- Frenkel, Ben-Zvi, "Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves" (AMS).
- Beilinson, Drinfeld, "Chiral Algebras" (AMS).
- Macdonald多項式
- Macdonald, "Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials" (Oxford).
- Macdonald, "Affine Hecke algebras and orthogonal polynomials" (Cambridge).
- Cherednik, "Double Affine Hecke Algebras" (Cambridge).
- 白石 , "量子可積分系入門" (サイエンス社).
- ホモロジー代数, ホモトピー代数, オペラッド理論
- 中岡, "圏論の技法" (日本評論社).
- Loday, Vallette, "Algebraic Operads" (Springer).
- Hovey, "Model categories" (AMS).
- Lurie, "Higher Topos Theory" (Princeton).
- Lurie, "Higher Algebras".
- スタックの理論と導来代数幾何学
- Laumon, Moret-Bailly, "Champs algebriques" (Springer).
- Olsson, "Algebraic Spaces and Stacks" (AMS).
- Toen, Vezzosi, "Homotopical algebraic geometry II" (AMS).
- 場の量子論
- Costello, "Renormalization and Effective Field Theory" (AMS).
- Costello, Gwilliam, "Factorization Algebras in Quantum Field Theory" (Cambridge).
- 少人数クラス内容報告・講義内容要約のTeXテンプレート
msrep.tex (UTF-8, 2023/10/13更新)
- TeX Live
- TeX Wiki (日本語)
- TikZガイド (日本語)
Short Math Guide for LaTeX, AMS, 2017/12/22.
- @wtsnjp,
日本語LaTeXの新常識2021, Qiita, 2021/06/21.
- 小田忠雄,
数学の常識・非常識 --- 由緒正しいTeX入力法,
数学通信, 第4巻第1号, 1999年.
最終更新: 2024/12/13