Special Mathematics Lecture
Serge Richard (richard@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp), Rm. 237 in Sci. Bldg. A
Introduction to functional analysis (Spring 2017)
Schedule : Wednesday (18:30 - 20.00) in room 207 of the Science Building A
Class dates :
April 12, 19, 26
May 3 (15.00 - 16.30), 10, 24, 31
June 7, 14, 21, 28
July 5, 12, 19
Program : (all electronic files are available upon request)
1) Distributions theory, based on: Distribution theory, by Gerrit van Dijk.
Notes taken by a student: lect. 1,
lect. 2,
lect. 3.0.
2) Lebesgue theory, based on: A user-friendly introduction to Lebesgue measure and integration, by G. Nelson.
Notes taken by a student: lect. 3.5,
lect. 4,
lect. 5.
3) Hilbert spaces, linear operators and spectral theory, based on: Hilbert space methods in quantum mechanics, by W. Amrein.
Notes taken by a student: lect. 6,
lect. 7,
lect. 9,
lect. 10,
lect. 11,
lect. 12,
lect. 13
4) Tensors. Notes taken by a student: lect. 8
4) Scattering theory and topological quantities lect. 14
At the end of the last lecture :
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