(with T. Mine)
The transition operator of a random walk perturbated by sparse potentials.
ArXiv 2403.07345pdf
(with R. Fukushima, M. Nakashima)
The period group of a characteristic function.
Real Analysis Exchange 47 no 2 (2022), 323-332.
(with F. Comets, R. Fukushima, S. Nakajima)
Limiting Results for the Free Energy of
Directed Polymers in Random Environment with Unbounded Jumps
J. Stat. Phys. Volume 161, Issue 3, (2015), pp 577-597
DOI:10.1007/s10955-015-1347-1 pdf.
(with F. Comets)
Localization Transition for Polymers in Poissonian Medium.
Commun. Math. Phys.
Vol 323, Issue 1 (2013) 417--447,
Stochastic Shear Thickening Fluids: Strong Convergence of the
Galerkin Approximation and the Energy Equality.
Ann. Appl. Probab.,
2012, Vol. 22, No.3, 1215--1242.
(with Y. Terasawa)
Stochastic Power Law Fluids: Existence and Uniqueness of Weak Solutions.
Ann. Appl. Probab.,
Vol. 21, No 5 (2011), 1827--1859.
(with H. Heil, M. Nakashima)
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment are
Diffusive in the Regular Growth Phase,
Electron. J. Probab. ,
Volume 16, (2011), 323--336.
DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v16-922
(with Y. Nagahata)
A Note on the Diffusive Scaling Limit for a Class of Linear Systems,
Electron. Commun. Probab. 15 (2010), 68--78.
DOI: 10.1214/ECP.v15-1530
(with Y. Nagahata)
Localization for a Class of Linear Systems,
Electron. J. Probab.
Vol. 15, No. 20, (2010), 636--653.
DOI: 10.1214/EJP.v15-757
(with F. Comets)
Branching Random Walks in Time-Space Random Environment:
Survival Probability, Global and Local Growth Rates,
J. Theoret. Probab.
DOI:Volume 24, Number 3, 657-687
Localization for Linear Stochastic Evolutions,
J. Stat. Phys. 138 , No.4/5, 598--618, (2010).
(with corrections to some small, harmless errors)
(with Y. Nagahata)
Central Limit Theorem for a Class of Linear Systems,
Electron. J. Probab. Vol. 14, No. 34, 960--977. (2009).
(with Y. Hu)
Localization for Branching Random Walks in Random Environment, Stoch. Proc. Appl. ,
Vol. 119, Issue 5, 1632--1651, (2009).
Phase Transitions for the Growth Rate of Linear Stochastic Evolutions,
preprint, 2008,
J. Stat. Phys. , 133 , No.6, 1033--1058, (2008).
Central Limit Theorem for
Branching Random Walk in Random Environment, Ann. Appl. Probab.,
Vol. 18, No. 4, 1619--1635, 2008.
(with F. Comets)
Directed Polymers in
Random Environment are Diffusive at Weak Disorder, Ann. Probab.
Vol. 34, No. 5, 1746--1770, 2006.
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(with F. Comets)
Brownian directed polymers in random environment,
Commun. Math. Phys. 54 , 257--287, no. 2. (2005).
(with F. Comets)
Some new results on Brownian directed polymers in random environment,
RIMS Kokyuroku 1386 , 50--66, (2004).
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(with F. Comets and T. Shiga)
Directed polymers in random environment:
path localization and strong disorder,
Bernoulli , 9 (3), 705--723, (2003).
Preview the abstract. /
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(with Y. Isozaki) Weakly pinned random walk on the wall: pathwise
descriptions of the phase transition,
Stoch. Proc. Appl. 96, 261 --284,(2001).
Preview the abstract. /
Download the dvi file
(with K. S. Alexander) The spectral gap of 2-D stochastic
Ising models with mixed boundary conditions,
J. Stat. Phys. 104,, Nos. 1/2, 89--109, (2001).
Preview the abstract. /
Download the dvi file
Application of log-Sobolev inequality to
the stochastic dynamics of unbounded spin systems
on the lattice,
J. Funct. Anal. 173 , 74--102, (2000).
Preview the abstract. /
Download the dvi file
Finite volume Glauber dynamics in a small magnetic field,
J. Stat. Phys. 90 , Nos.3/4, (1998).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
Exponential relaxation of finite volume Glauber dynamics near the border
of the one phase region,
Trends in Probability and Related Analysis, the proceedings
of SAP'96, ed. by N. Kono and N.-R. Shieh, World Scientific,
339--350, (1997).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
Relaxed criteria of the Dobrushin-Shlosman mixing condition,
J. Stat. Phys. 87, Nos.1/2, 293--309, (1997).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
(with Schonmann, R.)
Exponential relaxation of Glauber dynamics with some special
boundary conditions,
Commun. Math. Phys. 189, 299--310, (1997).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
(with Higuchi, Y.) Slow relaxation of 2-D stochastic Ising models with
random and non-random boundary conditions,
In: New trends in stochastic analysis,
ed. by K. D. Elworthy, S. Kusuoka, I. Shigekawa,
World Scientific Publishing, 153--167, (1997).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
(with Higuchi,Y.)Ising model on the lattice Sierpinski Gasket,
J. Stat. Phys. , 84, Nos. 1/2 pp. 295--307, (1996).
Preview the abstract/
Download the dvi file
The Littlewood-Paley-Stein inequality on an infinite dimensional
J. Funct. Anal. . 122, 402--427, (1994).
A large deviation principle for (r,p)-capacities
on the Wiener space,
Probab. Th. Rel. Fields , 94, 473--488, (1993).
Preview the abstract
(with Shigekawa, I.) Littlewood-Paley-Stein inequality for symmetric
J. math. Soc. Japan, 44, pp.251-280 (1992).
Sobolev spaces on a Riemannian manifold and their equivalence,
J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 33 621--654,(1992).
Preview the abstract
(with Higuchi,Y.)Analytic conditions and phase transition for Ising
models, (in Japanese) In: Seminar on Probability
Vol. 58, 1--46, (1995). dvi
Selected Talks
The transition operator of a random walk perturbated by sparse potentials.
大規模相互作用系の確率解析, November 18, 2024 at University of Tokyo).
"Survival rate for a random walks in disatrous environment''
Niigata Probability Workshop ,
January 21, 2016, Niigata University)
"Survival rate for a certain class of random walks in random obstacles''
(The 13th Workshop pn Stochaastic Analysis on Large Scale
Interacting Systems, November 5, 2014, University of Tokyo)
Brownian Directed Polymers in Random Environment:
Complete Localization and Phase Diagram.
``Workshop on Random Polymers'', January 18, 2013, EURANDOM, Eindhoven).
Brownian Directed Polymers in Random Environment:
Complete Localization and Phase Diagram.
``Random media II'', September 5, 2012,
WPI-AIMR, Main building, Tohoku University).
Introduction to Stochastic Navier-Stokes equations I,II.
統計力学的な現象の解析」December 19, 2011 at RIMS, Kyoto University.
Stochastic Power Law Fluids,
PDE実解析研究会, April 20, 2011, at Univ. of Tokyo).
Stochastic Power Law Fluids,
( Seminaire de Probabilite,
March 22, 2011, at Uviversite Paris Diderot --Paris 7).
Stochastic Shear Thickening Fluids: Strong Convergence of the
Garelkin Approximation and the Energy Equality.
(CREST Seminar, February 4, 2011, Tohoku University)
Stochastic Shear Thickening Fluids: Strong Convergence of the
Garelkin Approximation and the Energy Equality.
(Probability Seminar, June 7, 2010, Tokyo Institutue of Technology)
Stochastic Power Law Fluids: the Existence and the Uniqueness
of the Weak Solution.
(International Workshop on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, March 13, 2010
at Waseda Univ.)
Power Law Fluids with Random Forcing.
大規模相互作用系の確率解析, October 9, 2009 at University of Tokyo).
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment:
Survival Probability and Growth Rates,
Topics on Random Media, September 15, 2009 at Kyoto University).
Continuous-Time Linear Systems.
統計力学の数学的理論. August 25, 2009 at
Osaka Electro-Communication University.)
notes available.
Linear Stochastic Evolutions, : Diffusive
Behavior and Localization.
( Workshop on Interacting Particle Systems
in honour of Professor T. Liggett's 65 th Birthday.
June 19, 2009, at Peking University.)
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment: Diffusive
Behavior and Localization.
(January 14, 2008, at Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile,
"Workshop on Random Walks, Particle Systems and Random Media").
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment: Diffusive
Behavior and Localization.
(2007 年 12月12日 熊本大学、 「確率論シンポジウム」).
From Parabolic Anderson Models to
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment.
(2007 年 12月4日 京都大学 "Stochastic Problems and Nonlinear PDEs").
Branching Random Walks in Random Environment: Diffusive
Behavior and Localization.
(October 26, 2007, at Nishijin Plaza, Kyusyu University,
"Stochastic analysis of large interacting systems").
Central limit theorem for branching random walks in random environment
(May 22, 2007, at Oberwolfach "Non-classical interacting random walks").
Branching random walk representation of directed polymers
in random environment (2007 年 1月29日 東京工業大学、
Directed polymers in random environment
(June 16, 2006, at Universite Nantes "EMS Mathematical Week-End").
Directed polymers in random environment are diffusive at all
subcritical tenperature.
(September 30, 2005 at RIMS Kyoto "Some Recent Topics on Stochastic Models").
Diffusivity of
directed polymers in random environment.
(January 31, 2005 at Osaka University Nakanoshima Center
"The Fifth East Asia PDE Conference".)
Large time behavior of directed polymers in random environment.
(June 27, 2005 at Univ. of California, Santa Barbara,
"30 th Stochastic Process and their Applications").
Directed polymers in random environment are diffusive at all
subcritical tenperature.
(2004 年 12 月 8 日、名古屋大学、「確率論シンポジウム」)
Brownian directed polymers in random environment,
(August 31, 2004, at Oberwolfach "Large Scale Stochastic Dynamics").
Localization transition for friendly walkers,
(August 20, 2003 at Issac Newton Institute, Cambridge,
"Random Walks in Random Environment")
Directed polymers in random environment,
(July 24, 2002 at Shonan Village, "Stochastic Analysis on Large
Scale Interacting Systems")
Log Sobolev inequalities for unbounded lattice spin systems
(Notes for a seminar talk on May 21, 1999
at \'Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne)
The strong ergodicity for the stochastic dynamics of unbounded
lattice spin systems
(A note for a seminar talk on September 11, 1998 at Kyushu Univ..)
Log Sobolev inequalities for unbounded lattice spin systems
(Notes for a seminar talk on Jun 4, 1998
at Institute Henri Poicare, Paris.)
A note on extremal invariant measures for a Markov process
(A note for a seminar talk on May 13, 1998 at Kyoto Univ.)
A central limit theorem for the directed polymer (in Japanese)
(A note for a seminar talk on February 6, 1998 at Kyoto Univ.)
Relaxation of kinetic Ising models near the phase transition line
(in Japanese)
(A note for a talk on Novyemver 17, 1997 at Jyokou-ji meeting.)
On the convergence of finite volume stochastic Ising models,
(in Japanese), Notes for a
lecture delivered on April 1, 1997 at the annual meeting of
Mathematical Scociety of Japan.