Library mathcomp.algebra.mxpoly

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 Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B.                                  *)

Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.

This file provides basic support for formal computation with matrices, mainly results combining matrices and univariate polynomials, such as the Cayley-Hamilton theorem; it also contains an extension of the first order representation of algebra introduced in ssralg (GRing.term/formula). rVpoly v == the little-endian decoding of the row vector v as a polynomial p = \sum_i (v 0 i)%:P * 'X^i. poly_rV p == the partial inverse to rVpoly, for polynomials of degree less than d to 'rV_d (d is inferred from the context). Sylvester_mx p q == the Sylvester matrix of p and q. resultant p q == the resultant of p and q, i.e., \det (Sylvester_mx p q). horner_mx A == the morphism from {poly R} to 'M_n (n of the form n'.+1) mapping a (scalar) polynomial p to the value of its scalar matrix interpretation at A (this is an instance of the generic horner_morph construct defined in poly). powers_mx A d == the d x (n ^ 2) matrix whose rows are the mxvec encodings of the first d powers of A (n of the form n'.+1). Thus, vec_mx (v *m powers_mx A d) = horner_mx A (rVpoly v). char_poly A == the characteristic polynomial of A. char_poly_mx A == a matrix whose detereminant is char_poly A. mxminpoly A == the minimal polynomial of A, i.e., the smallest monic polynomial that annihilates A (A must be nontrivial). degree_mxminpoly A == the (positive) degree of mxminpoly A. mx_inv_horner A == the inverse of horner_mx A for polynomials of degree smaller than degree_mxminpoly A. integralOver RtoK u <-> u is in the integral closure of the image of R under RtoK : R -> K, i.e. u is a root of the image of a monic polynomial in R. algebraicOver FtoE u <-> u : E is algebraic over E; it is a root of the image of a nonzero polynomial under FtoE; as F must be a fieldType, this is equivalent to integralOver FtoE u. integralRange RtoK <-> the integral closure of the image of R contains all of K (:= forall u, integralOver RtoK u). This toolkit for building formal matrix expressions is packaged in the MatrixFormula submodule, and comprises the following: eval_mx e == GRing.eval lifted to matrices (:= map_mx (GRing.eval e)). mx_term A == GRing.Const lifted to matrices. mulmx_term A B == the formal product of two matrices of terms. mxrank_form m A == a GRing.formula asserting that the interpretation of the term matrix A has rank m. submx_form A B == a GRing.formula asserting that the row space of the interpretation of the term matrix A is included in the row space of the interpretation of B. seq_of_rV v == the seq corresponding to a row vector. row_env e == the flattening of a tensored environment e : seq 'rV_d. row_var F d k == the term vector of width d such that for e : seq 'rV[F]_d we have eval e 'X_k = eval_mx (row_env e) (row_var d k).

Set Implicit Arguments.

Import GRing.Theory.
Import Monoid.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Import Pdiv.Idomain.
Row vector <-> bounded degree polynomial bijection
Section RowPoly.

Variables (R : ringType) (d : nat).
Implicit Types u v : 'rV[R]_d.
Implicit Types p q : {poly R}.

Definition rVpoly v := \poly_(k < d) (if insub k is Some i then v 0 i else 0).
Definition poly_rV p := \row_(i < d) p`_i.

Lemma coef_rVpoly v k : (rVpoly v)`_k = if insub k is Some i then v 0 i else 0.

Lemma coef_rVpoly_ord v (i : 'I_d) : (rVpoly v)`_i = v 0 i.

Lemma rVpoly_delta i : rVpoly (delta_mx 0 i) = 'X^i.

Lemma rVpolyK : cancel rVpoly poly_rV.

Lemma poly_rV_K p : size p d rVpoly (poly_rV p) = p.

Lemma poly_rV_is_linear : linear poly_rV.
Canonical poly_rV_additive := Additive poly_rV_is_linear.
Canonical poly_rV_linear := Linear poly_rV_is_linear.

Lemma rVpoly_is_linear : linear rVpoly.
Canonical rVpoly_additive := Additive rVpoly_is_linear.
Canonical rVpoly_linear := Linear rVpoly_is_linear.

End RowPoly.

Section Resultant.

Variables (R : ringType) (p q : {poly R}).

Let dS := ((size q).-1 + (size p).-1)%N.

Definition Sylvester_mx : 'M[R]_dS := col_mx (band p) (band q).

Lemma Sylvester_mxE (i j : 'I_dS) :
  let S_ r k := r`_(j - k) *+ (k j) in
  Sylvester_mx i j = match split i with inl kS_ p k | inr kS_ q k end.

Definition resultant := \det Sylvester_mx.

End Resultant.

Lemma resultant_in_ideal (R : comRingType) (p q : {poly R}) :
    size p > 1 size q > 1
  {uv : {poly R} × {poly R} | size uv.1 < size q size uv.2 < size p
  & (resultant p q)%:P = uv.1 × p + uv.2 × q}.

Lemma resultant_eq0 (R : idomainType) (p q : {poly R}) :
  (resultant p q == 0) = (size (gcdp p q) > 1).

Section HornerMx.

Variables (R : comRingType) (n' : nat).
Variable A : 'M[R]_n.
Implicit Types p q : {poly R}.

Definition horner_mx := horner_morph (fun ascalar_mx_comm a A).
Canonical horner_mx_additive := [additive of horner_mx].
Canonical horner_mx_rmorphism := [rmorphism of horner_mx].

Lemma horner_mx_C a : horner_mx a%:P = a%:M.

Lemma horner_mx_X : horner_mx 'X = A.

Lemma horner_mxZ : scalable horner_mx.

Canonical horner_mx_linear := AddLinear horner_mxZ.
Canonical horner_mx_lrmorphism := [lrmorphism of horner_mx].

Definition powers_mx d := \matrix_(i < d) mxvec (A ^+ i).

Lemma horner_rVpoly m (u : 'rV_m) :
  horner_mx (rVpoly u) = vec_mx (u ×m powers_mx m).

End HornerMx.

Section CharPoly.

Variables (R : ringType) (n : nat) (A : 'M[R]_n).
Implicit Types p q : {poly R}.

Definition char_poly_mx := 'X%:M - map_mx (@polyC R) A.
Definition char_poly := \det char_poly_mx.

Let diagA := [seq A i i | i : 'I_n].
Let size_diagA : size diagA = n.

Let split_diagA :
  exists2 q, \prod_(x <- diagA) ('X - x%:P) + q = char_poly & size q n.-1.

Lemma size_char_poly : size char_poly = n.+1.

Lemma char_poly_monic : char_poly \is monic.

Lemma char_poly_trace : n > 0 char_poly`_n.-1 = - \tr A.

Lemma char_poly_det : char_poly`_0 = (- 1) ^+ n × \det A.

End CharPoly.

Lemma mx_poly_ring_isom (R : ringType) n' (n := n'.+1) :
   phi : {rmorphism 'M[{poly R}]_n {poly 'M[R]_n}},
  [/\ bijective phi,
       p, phi p%:M = map_poly scalar_mx p,
       A, phi (map_mx polyC A) = A%:P
    & A i j k, (phi A)`_k i j = (A i j)`_k].

Theorem Cayley_Hamilton (R : comRingType) n' (A : 'M[R]_n'.+1) :
  horner_mx A (char_poly A) = 0.

Lemma eigenvalue_root_char (F : fieldType) n (A : 'M[F]_n) a :
  eigenvalue A a = root (char_poly A) a.

Section MinPoly.

Variables (F : fieldType) (n' : nat).
Variable A : 'M[F]_n.
Implicit Types p q : {poly F}.

Fact degree_mxminpoly_proof : d, \rank (powers_mx A d.+1) d.
Definition degree_mxminpoly := ex_minn degree_mxminpoly_proof.

Lemma mxminpoly_nonconstant : d > 0.

Lemma minpoly_mx1 : (1%:M \in Ad)%MS.

Lemma minpoly_mx_free : row_free Ad.

Lemma horner_mx_mem p : (horner_mx A p \in Ad)%MS.

Definition mx_inv_horner B := rVpoly (mxvec B ×m pinvmx Ad).

Lemma mx_inv_horner0 : mx_inv_horner 0 = 0.

Lemma mx_inv_hornerK B : (B \in Ad)%MS horner_mx A (mx_inv_horner B) = B.

Lemma minpoly_mxM B C : (B \in Ad C \in Ad B × C \in Ad)%MS.

Lemma minpoly_mx_ring : mxring Ad.

Definition mxminpoly := 'X^d - mx_inv_horner (A ^+ d).

Lemma size_mxminpoly : size p_A = d.+1.

Lemma mxminpoly_monic : p_A \is monic.

Lemma size_mod_mxminpoly p : size (p %% p_A) d.

Lemma mx_root_minpoly : horner_mx A p_A = 0.

Lemma horner_rVpolyK (u : 'rV_d) :
  mx_inv_horner (horner_mx A (rVpoly u)) = rVpoly u.

Lemma horner_mxK p : mx_inv_horner (horner_mx A p) = p %% p_A.

Lemma mxminpoly_min p : horner_mx A p = 0 p_A %| p.

Lemma horner_rVpoly_inj : @injective 'M_n 'rV_d (horner_mx A \o rVpoly).

Lemma mxminpoly_linear_is_scalar : (d 1) = is_scalar_mx A.

Lemma mxminpoly_dvd_char : p_A %| char_poly A.

Lemma eigenvalue_root_min a : eigenvalue A a = root p_A a.

End MinPoly.

Section MapRingMatrix.

Variables (aR rR : ringType) (f : {rmorphism aR rR}).
Variables (d n : nat) (A : 'M[aR]_n).

Lemma map_rVpoly (u : 'rV_d) : fp (rVpoly u) = rVpoly u^f.

Lemma map_poly_rV p : (poly_rV p)^f = poly_rV (fp p) :> 'rV_d.

Lemma map_char_poly_mx : map_mx fp (char_poly_mx A) = char_poly_mx A^f.

Lemma map_char_poly : fp (char_poly A) = char_poly A^f.

End MapRingMatrix.

Section MapResultant.

Lemma map_resultant (aR rR : ringType) (f : {rmorphism {poly aR} rR}) p q :
    f (lead_coef p) != 0 f (lead_coef q) != 0
  f (resultant p q)= resultant (map_poly f p) (map_poly f q).

End MapResultant.

Section MapComRing.

Variables (aR rR : comRingType) (f : {rmorphism aR rR}).
Variables (n' : nat) (A : 'M[aR]_n'.+1).

Lemma map_powers_mx e : (powers_mx A e)^f = powers_mx A^f e.

Lemma map_horner_mx p : (horner_mx A p)^f = horner_mx A^f (fp p).

End MapComRing.

Section MapField.

Variables (aF rF : fieldType) (f : {rmorphism aF rF}).
Variables (n' : nat) (A : 'M[aF]_n'.+1).

Lemma degree_mxminpoly_map : degree_mxminpoly A^f = degree_mxminpoly A.

Lemma mxminpoly_map : mxminpoly A^f = fp (mxminpoly A).

Lemma map_mx_inv_horner u : fp (mx_inv_horner A u) = mx_inv_horner A^f u^f.

End MapField.

Section IntegralOverRing.

Definition integralOver (R K : ringType) (RtoK : R K) (z : K) :=
  exists2 p, p \is monic & root (map_poly RtoK p) z.

Definition integralRange R K RtoK := z, @integralOver R K RtoK z.

Variables (B R K : ringType) (BtoR : B R) (RtoK : {rmorphism R K}).

Lemma integral_rmorph x :
  integralOver BtoR x integralOver (RtoK \o BtoR) (RtoK x).

Lemma integral_id x : integralOver RtoK (RtoK x).

Lemma integral_nat n : integralOver RtoK n%:R.

Lemma integral0 : integralOver RtoK 0.

Lemma integral1 : integralOver RtoK 1.

Lemma integral_poly (p : {poly K}) :
  ( i, integralOver RtoK p`_i) {in p : seq K, integralRange RtoK}.

End IntegralOverRing.

Section IntegralOverComRing.

Variables (R K : comRingType) (RtoK : {rmorphism R K}).

Lemma integral_horner_root w (p q : {poly K}) :
    p \is monic root p w
    {in p : seq K, integralRange RtoK} {in q : seq K, integralRange RtoK}
  integralOver RtoK q.[w].

Lemma integral_root_monic u p :
    p \is monic root p u {in p : seq K, integralRange RtoK}
  integralOver RtoK u.

Hint Resolve (integral0 RtoK) (integral1 RtoK) (@monicXsubC K).

Let XsubC0 (u : K) : root ('X - u%:P) u.
Let intR_XsubC u :
  integralOver RtoK (- u) {in 'X - u%:P : seq K, integralRange RtoK}.

Lemma integral_opp u : integralOver RtoK u integralOver RtoK (- u).

Lemma integral_horner (p : {poly K}) u :
    {in p : seq K, integralRange RtoK} integralOver RtoK u
  integralOver RtoK p.[u].

Lemma integral_sub u v :
  integralOver RtoK u integralOver RtoK v integralOver RtoK (u - v).

Lemma integral_add u v :
  integralOver RtoK u integralOver RtoK v integralOver RtoK (u + v).

Lemma integral_mul u v :
  integralOver RtoK u integralOver RtoK v integralOver RtoK (u × v).

End IntegralOverComRing.

Section IntegralOverField.

Variables (F E : fieldType) (FtoE : {rmorphism F E}).

Definition algebraicOver (fFtoE : F E) u :=
  exists2 p, p != 0 & root (map_poly fFtoE p) u.

Notation mk_mon p := ((lead_coef p)^-1 *: p).

Lemma integral_algebraic u : algebraicOver FtoE u integralOver FtoE u.

Lemma algebraic_id a : algebraicOver FtoE (FtoE a).

Lemma algebraic0 : algebraicOver FtoE 0.

Lemma algebraic1 : algebraicOver FtoE 1.

Lemma algebraic_opp x : algebraicOver FtoE x algebraicOver FtoE (- x).

Lemma algebraic_add x y :
  algebraicOver FtoE x algebraicOver FtoE y algebraicOver FtoE (x + y).

Lemma algebraic_sub x y :
  algebraicOver FtoE x algebraicOver FtoE y algebraicOver FtoE (x - y).

Lemma algebraic_mul x y :
  algebraicOver FtoE x algebraicOver FtoE y algebraicOver FtoE (x × y).

Lemma algebraic_inv u : algebraicOver FtoE u algebraicOver FtoE u^-1.

Lemma algebraic_div x y :
  algebraicOver FtoE x algebraicOver FtoE y algebraicOver FtoE (x / y).

Lemma integral_inv x : integralOver FtoE x integralOver FtoE x^-1.

Lemma integral_div x y :
  integralOver FtoE x integralOver FtoE y integralOver FtoE (x / y).

Lemma integral_root p u :
    p != 0 root p u {in p : seq E, integralRange FtoE}
  integralOver FtoE u.

End IntegralOverField.

Lifting term, formula, envs and eval to matrices. Wlog, and for the sake of simplicity, we only lift (tensor) envs to row vectors; we can always use mxvec/vec_mx to store and retrieve matrices. We don't provide definitions for addition, subtraction, scaling, etc, because they have simple matrix expressions.
Module MatrixFormula.

Section MatrixFormula.

Variable F : fieldType.

Definition eval_mx (e : seq F) := map_mx (eval e).

Definition mx_term := map_mx (@GRing.Const F).

Lemma eval_mx_term e m n (A : 'M_(m, n)) : eval_mx e (mx_term A) = A.

Definition mulmx_term m n p (A : 'M[term]_(m, n)) (B : 'M_(n, p)) :=
  \matrix_(i, k) (\big[Add/0]_j (A i j × B j k))%T.

Lemma eval_mulmx e m n p (A : 'M[term]_(m, n)) (B : 'M_(n, p)) :
  eval_mx e (mulmx_term A B) = eval_mx e A ×m eval_mx e B.

Let Schur m n (A : 'M[term]_(1 + m, 1 + n)) (a := A 0 0) :=
  \matrix_(i, j) (drsubmx A i j - a^-1 × dlsubmx A i 0%R × ursubmx A 0%R j)%T.

Fixpoint mxrank_form (r m n : nat) : 'M_(m, n) form :=
  match m, n return 'M_(m, n) form with
  | m'.+1, n'.+1fun A : 'M_(1 + m', 1 + n')
    let nzA k := A k.1 k.2 != 0 in
    let xSchur k := Schur (xrow k.1 0%R (xcol k.2 0%R A)) in
    let recf k := Bool (r > 0) mxrank_form r.-1 (xSchur k) in
    GRing.Pick nzA recf (Bool (r == 0%N))
  | _, _fun _Bool (r == 0%N)

Lemma mxrank_form_qf r m n (A : 'M_(m, n)) : qf_form (mxrank_form r A).

Lemma eval_mxrank e r m n (A : 'M_(m, n)) :
  qf_eval e (mxrank_form r A) = (\rank (eval_mx e A) == r).

Lemma eval_vec_mx e m n (u : 'rV_(m × n)) :
  eval_mx e (vec_mx u) = vec_mx (eval_mx e u).

Lemma eval_mxvec e m n (A : 'M_(m, n)) :
  eval_mx e (mxvec A) = mxvec (eval_mx e A).

Section Subsetmx.

Variables (m1 m2 n : nat) (A : 'M[term]_(m1, n)) (B : 'M[term]_(m2, n)).

Definition submx_form :=
  \big[And/True]_(r < n.+1) (mxrank_form r (col_mx A B) ==> mxrank_form r B)%T.

Lemma eval_col_mx e :
  eval_mx e (col_mx A B) = col_mx (eval_mx e A) (eval_mx e B).

Lemma submx_form_qf : qf_form submx_form.

Lemma eval_submx e : qf_eval e submx_form = (eval_mx e A eval_mx e B)%MS.

End Subsetmx.

Section Env.

Variable d : nat.

Definition seq_of_rV (v : 'rV_d) : seq F := fgraph [ffun i v 0 i].

Lemma size_seq_of_rV v : size (seq_of_rV v) = d.

Lemma nth_seq_of_rV x0 v (i : 'I_d) : nth x0 (seq_of_rV v) i = v 0 i.

Definition row_var k : 'rV[term]_d := \row_i ('X_(k × d + i))%T.

Definition row_env (e : seq 'rV_d) := flatten (map seq_of_rV e).

Lemma nth_row_env e k (i : 'I_d) : (row_env e)`_(k × d + i) = e`_k 0 i.

Lemma eval_row_var e k : eval_mx (row_env e) (row_var k) = e`_k :> 'rV_d.

Definition Exists_row_form k (f : form) :=
  foldr GRing.Exists f (codom (fun i : 'I_dk × d + i)%N).

Lemma Exists_rowP e k f :
  d > 0
   (( v : 'rV[F]_d, holds (row_env (set_nth 0 e k v)) f)
       holds (row_env e) (Exists_row_form k f)).

End Env.

End MatrixFormula.

End MatrixFormula.