Update: 2009/07/03
Job Opportunity
The application for the position is over.
Position Announcement
April 20, 2009
Graduate School of Mathematics Nagoya University Associate/Assistant Professor Search Committee
We solicit applications for faculty positions presently available in our Department.
- Positions Available:
- A few associate/assistant professorships with tenure positions. It is desirable that applicants are within ten years after receiving their Ph. D degrees. The candidates should be able to give courses in English, and should be able to give courses in Japanese within a few years.
- Research Area:
- Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Date of Appointment:
- October 1, 2009
- Deadline for Application:
- June 12, 2009
Application material must be received by this day.
- Application Material:
- Application form.
(The application form is available for Download below.)
- Curriculum Vitae which include the following information:
Name, date of birth, current affiliation and title of position, year and source of Ph. D., educational history and professional experience, address, phone, and E-mail address.
- List of publications.
- Brief description of selected publications.
- Research plan.
(Please describe what you would like to accomplish during the next several years together with its importance and background.)
- Teaching experience and the statement of the candidate’s policy about teaching.
- Copies of selected publications.
- List of the names of three mathematicians who know your work and three letters of recommendation written by them.
(The letters are not compulsory if references are residents of Japan.)
All application material should be sent to the Search Committee by Email (as a PDF attachment) to ap-search-2009 (at) math.nagoya-u.ac.jp, or by registered mail to the following address:
Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan
- Notes:
- The application material except for copies of publications should be printed on letter-size (or A4 size) paper. Use one side of sheet only.
- The application material will not be returned to the applicant, but will be disposed of in an appropriate way as soon as the screening process is over.
- Applicants need not specify the positions (associate/assistant professor).
Inquiries should be addressed to: ap-search-2009 (at) math.nagoya-u.ac.jp