Papers and preprints

  1. q-Racah probability distribution (with M. Hayashi and A. Hora), Ramanujan J. (2024); arXiv:2311.09992.
  2. Algebraic operad of SUSY Poisson vertex algebra (with Y. Nishinaka), arXiv:2305.00714.
  3. A review of rank one bispectral correspondence of quantum affine KZ equations and Macdonald-type eigenvalue problems (with K. Yamaguchi), RIMS kokyuroku 2258 (2023); arXiv:2211.13671.
  4. A dynamical analogue of Ding-Iohara quantum algebras (with M. Hattori), arXiv:2210.02777.
  5. Algebraic operad of SUSY vertex algebra (with Y. Nishinaka), arXiv:2209.14617.
  6. Intermediate symplectic Q-functions, arXiv:2207.03354.
  7. Li filtrations of SUSY vertex algebras, Lett. Math. Phys. 112 (2022), Article no. 103, 77pp.; arXiv:2111.05734.
  8. Specializing Koornwinder polynomials to Macdonald polynomials of type B,C,D and BC (with K. Yamaguchi), J. Algebraic Combin. 57 (2023), 171–226; arXiv:2105.00936.
  9. Gelfand pairs and spherical functions for Iwahori-Hecke algebras, arXiv:2104.12966.
  10. Stochastic behavior of outcome of Schur-Weyl duality measurement (with M. Hayashi and A. Hora) arXiv:2104.12635.
  11. Derived gluing construction of chiral algebras, Lett. Math. Phys. 111 (2021), Article no. 51, 103pp.; arXiv:2004.10055.
  12. Geometric derived Hall algebra, arXiv:1912.05442; hyperref version.
  13. A study of symmetric functions via derived Hall algebra (with R. Shimoji), Comm. Algebra vol. 49 (2021), issue 3, 979-1005; arXiv:1812.06033.
  14. Operadic semi-infinite homology, arXiv:1803.11144.
  15. Elliptic Hall algebra on F1, arXiv:1708.08881.
  16. Factorization spaces and moduli spaces over curves, Josai Mathematical Monographs vol. 10, 97-128.
  17. Boson-fermion correspondence from factorization spaces, J. Geom. Phys. 124 (2018), 55-63; arXiv:1611.06100.
  18. Jacobi complexes on the Ran space, arXiv:1608.07472.
  19. Deformation quantization of vertex Poisson algebras, arXiv:1607.02068.
  20. Singular vectors of N=1 super Virasoro algebra via Uglov symmetric functions, arXiv:1508.06036.
  21. Quantum toroidal algebras and motivic Hall algebras I. Hall algebras for singular elliptic curves, arXiv:1504.06254.
  22. Integrality of the simple Hurwitz numbers, arXiv:1412.5242.
  23. Norm of the Whittaker vector of the deformed Virasoro algebra, arXiv:1411.0462.
  24. Whittaker vector of deformed Virasoro algebra and Macdonald symmetric functions, Lett. Math. Phys. 106 (2016), Issue 3, 395-431; arXiv:1402.2946.
  25. Classical and quantum vertex algebras, RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B62, 163-200; arXiv:1402.2943.
  26. Bialgebra structure on Bridgeland's Hall algebra of two-periodic complexes, arXiv:1304.6970.
  27. A note on Bridgeland's Hall algebra of two-periodic complexes, Math. Z. 282 (2016), Issue 3, 973-991; arXiv:1207.0905.
  28. Bridgeland's stabilities on abelian surfaces (with K. Yoshioka), Math. Z. 276 (2014), Issue 1-2, 571-610; arXiv:1203.0884.
  29. Some moduli spaces of Bridgeland's stability conditions (with H. Minamide and K. Yoshioka), Int. Math. Res. Notices (2014) 2014 (19); 5264-5327 ; arXiv:1111.6187.
  30. The wall-crossing behavior for Bridgeland's stability conditions on abelian and K3 surfaces (with H. Minamide and K. Yoshioka), J. Reine Angew. Math. 735 (2018), 1-107; arXiv:1106.5217.
  31. Notes on Ding-Iohara algebra and AGT conjecture (with H. Awata, B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, M. Kanai and J. Shiraishi), RIMS kokyuroku 1765 (2011), 12-32; arXiv:1106.4088.
  32. Norm of logarithmic primary of Virasoro algebra, Lett. Math. Phys. 98 (2011), no. 2, 133-156 ; arxiv:1010.0528.
  33. Five-dimensional SU(2) AGT conjecture and recursive formula of deformed Gaiotto state, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), no. 12, 123506, 13 pp; arXiv:1005.0216.
  34. Whittaker vectors of the Virasoro algebra in terms of Jack symmetric polynomial, J. Algebra 333 (2011), 273-294; arxiv:1003.1049.
  35. Kernel function and quantum algebras (with B. Feigin, A. Hoshino, J. Shibahara and J. Shiraishi), RIMS kokyuroku 1689 (2010), 133-152; arXiv:1002.2485.
  36. Semi-homogeneous sheaves, Fourier-Mukai transforms and moduli of stable sheaves on abelian surfaces (with K. Yoshioka), J. Reine Angew. Math. 684 (2013), 31-86; arXiv:0906.4603.
  37. A commutative algebra on degenerate CP1 and Macdonald polynomials (with B. Feigin, K. Hashizume, A. Hoshino and J. Shiraishi), J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009), no. 9, 095215, 42 pp; arXiv:0904.2291.

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Last update: 2024/05/08, since 2012/11/09.