Yoshimichi UEDA
Mimi, a lovely pom, 2002-2018
Leo, a little brother, 2020-
Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Furocho, Chikusaku, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan
To the Japanese page
- Research Interests:
Operator Algebras and Related Topics
Keywords: Free Probability Theory, Random Matrices, von Neumann Algebras,
Non-commutative function spaces, Ergodic Theory & Discrete Groups,
Quantum Group Actions & Subfactors, etc.
I like a beautiful mixture of algebraic and analytic aspects at operator algebras.
- Publications
- Guests:
5/8-10/2024: Yusuke Isono (with Yuki Arano)
- Teaching Schedule(2024 Apr.-Aug.):
Calculus (Tue. 10:30-12:00)
Measure theory (Wed. 8:45-10:15+10:30-12:00)
Grad Advising
- Teaching Schedule(2024 Oct.-2025 Feb.):
Calculus (Mon. 10:30-12:00)
Grad Advising
- Supervising (not complete list):
Hyuga ITO (2022,Apr-), working on free probability, especially free analysis.
Ayumi UKAI (2021,Apr-), working on quantum many-body systems based on operator algebras.
Kenta KOJIN (2019,Apr-2024,Sep(PhD)), worked on operator theory and complex analysis.
Shinya KATO (2021,Apr-2024,Mar(PhD)), worked on quantum divergences based on operator algebras.
Yoshiki AIBARA (2021,Apr-2023,Mar), worked on operator theory.
Ikuya OZEKI (2019,Apr-2022,Mar), worked on random matrices.
Kanae HATANO (2019,Apr-2021,Mar), worked on matrix analysis.
Ryosuke SATO (2015,Oct-2022,Mar(PhD)), worked on asymptotic representation theory.
Kei HASEGAWA (2011,Oct-2017,Sep(PhD)), worked on C*-algebras.
Atsushi TAKIMOTO (2011,Apr-2015,Mar), worked on L2-invariants.
e-mail: ueda"at"math.nagoya-u.ac.jp (Please replace "at" by the suitable symbol. Thank you.)