To 6th International Conference by Graduate School of mathematics,
Nagoya University (June 12 - June 17, 2006)
"Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and
Quantum Groups 06"
To 10th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics,
Nagoya University (August 2 - August 6, 2010)
"Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and
Quantum Groups '10"
Research Interests
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Preprints and Notes
Recent Papers
- Green functions associated to complex reflection groups. - centering the type D_n. RIMS Kokyuroku "Topics related to combinatorial representation thoery", 2001, 107 - 125. (In Japanese).
- Green functions associated to complex reflection groups G(e,1,n). In ``Physics and Combinatorics 2000'', Proceedings of the Nagoya 2000 International Workshop, World Scientific (2001), 281--298. (DVI, PostScript )
- Representations of finite Chevalley groups. Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 32, (2001), 369--378.
- Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of Hecke algebras of type B and canonical basis of quantum groups of type A. In the proceedings of the 4th workshop on "Representation theory of Algebraic groups and Quantum groups'', (2001), 41 - 55. (In Japanese, with K. Ohkura)
- Green functions associated to complex reflection groups. J. Algebra. 245, (2001), 650 - 694. ( DVI, PostScript )
- Green functions associated to complex reflection groups. Sugaku 54, (2002), 69 - 85. (In Japanese)
- Green functions associated to complex reflection groups, II. J. Algebra 258, (2002), 563 - 598. (DVI, PostScript) RT/0105053
- On certain bases for Ariki-Koike algebras arising from canonical bases for $U_v(sl_m)$. SUT J. of Math., 38, (2002), 145 - 173. (with K. Ohkura) (DVI, PostScript)
- Macdonald functions associated to complex reflection groups. J. Alg. 260, (2003), 426-448. (DVI, PostScript) QA/0208061
- Generalized Green functions, unipotent classes and graded Hecke algebras. (In Japanese) RIMS Kokyuroku, Combinatorial theoretic representation theory and related topics (2003), 154 - 168.
- The work of Susume Ariki---A new interaction between Hecke algebras and quantum groups -- (in Japanese) Sugaku 56 (2004) 194 - 199. (DVI, PostScript)
- Green functions attached to limit symbols. Adv. Studies in Pure Math. 40, "Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups", pp.443 - 467 (2004).
- Encyclopedia in Algebra I, The evolution of the group theory, Chapter 3, Visiting the Deligne-Lusztig characters -- Representation theory of finite Chevalley groups --, pp.185 -- 326, (with Hotta, Watanabe, and Mimachi), (in Japanese). Asakura, Tokyo (2004)
- Lusztig's conjecture for special linear groups. (in Japanese) RIMS Kokyuroku, "Aspects of the combinatorial representation theory". (2004), 80 -- 89. (PDF, PostScript)
- Subfield symmetric spaces for finite special linear grouups. Representation theory, an Electronic J. of AMS, 8 (2004) 487 -- 521 (with K. Sorlin). (PDF, PostScript)
- Modified Ariki-Koike algebras and cyclotomic $q$-Schur algebras, Math. Z. 249, (2005) 829--867 (with N.Sawada). (DVI, PostScript)
- On Green functions assocaited to complex reflection groups. Sugaku Expositions 18, (2005) 123--141. (DVI, PostScript)
- Flash beams in representation theroy -- seven stories centering Hecke algebras -- (in Japanese) Suuri-Kagaku, December 2005, 15 -- 21.
- Symmetric space assocaited to finite special linear groups, Proceedings of the conference on groups and Lie algebras, Sophia Univ. Lecture series on Mathematics No. 46, (2006), 119 -- 137.
- Schur-Weyl reciprocity between quantum groups and Hecke algerbas of type $G(p,p,n)$. (with J. Hu) J. of Algebra, 298 (2006), 215 -- 237.
- Lusztig's conjecture for finite special linear groups. Representation Theory, an Electronic J. of AMS, 10, (2006) 164--222. (PDF, PostScript)
- On the computation of irreducible characters of finite reductive \ groups. RIMS Kokyuroku: "The world of combinatorial representation theory" (2006) 140 -- 153.