宮地 兵衛 (名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科)
On some good (degenerate) unipotent blocks in type A, D and E
By the work of Fong-Srinivasan, we have canonical labellings of
block algebras in finite reductive groups of type A and D
in non-defining characteristic.
(Here, we only think about their adjoint type.)
Similarly, we have canonical labellings of block algebras.
By the works of Rouquier, Chuang-Kessar, Turner and Hida-M,
we have a nice unipotent block in type A which is Morita equivalent t\
a block algebra of the normalizer of a certain Levi subgroup.
We can find such blocks infinitely many in type A.
Actually, this is a maximal family.
In my talk I'll report this block as well as new blocks in
type D and E that are Morita equivalent to blocks of the normalizers
of certain Levi subgroups.
Maybe, I'll talk about the connection between canonical bases
in Fock spaces and blocks in type A and D respectively.