Jun Hu (Beijing Institute of Technology)
On the dimension of some modular
irreducible representations of affine Hecke algebras
of type A
Let $K$ be a field and $q$ be an invertible element in
$K$. Let $\H_{n}^{\aff}$ be the type $A$ affine Hecke
algebra (or degenerate affine Hecke algebra) over $K$.
Let $l$ be the smallest positive integer such that
$1+q+\cdots+q^{l-1}=0$ in $K$. In this talk, I will
describe how to construct, for each $(l,m)$-special
skew shape diagram, a completely splittable modular
irreducible $\H_{n}^{\aff}$-modules, which generalize
earlier work of O. Mathieu, H. Wenzl and A. Ram.