Introduction to stochastic calculus
Serge Richard (, Rm. 247 in Sci. Bldg. A
Schedule : Wednesday 8.45 - 10.15 in room 309 of the math building
Class dates :
April 10, 17, 24
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
July 3, 10
Program :
Mathematical Background
Stochastic processes
Brownian motion
Stochastic integrals
Itô processes and stochastic differential equations
Markov processes
Applications to finance
For the evaluation, you need to submit the solutions of some exercises and/or the proofs of some statements.
These submissions can take place at any time during the semester.
If you have any question, contact me.
Works submitted by students :
Brownian motion in free probability theory, by Hyuga Ito
Probability theory, by Risan
Mathematical background, by Cunyi Nan
Gaussian process, by Cunyi Nan
Conditional probability and conditional expectation, by Cunyi Nan
Martingales, by Cunyi Nan
Brownian Process, by Risan
Elaboration of ''enumerating graphs and Brownian motion'', by Risan
Stochastic calculus exercises, by Risan
Some problems on Itô calculus, by Nguyen Duc Thanh
Gambler's ruin, by Qiuling Low
Self-financing trading strategy, by Qiuling Low
References : (electronic version available upon request)
[A] J.-L. Arguin, A first course in stochastic calculus
[B] P. Baldi, Stochastic calculus, an introduction through theory and exercises
[D] R. Durrett, Stochastic calculus, a practical introduction
[E] L.C. Evans, An introduction to stochastic differential equations
[K] F. Klebaner, Introduction to stochastic calculus with applications
[Ku] H.-H. Kuo, Introduction to stochastic integration
[M] T. Mikosch, Elementary stochastic calculus with finance in mind
[SP] R. Schilling; L. Partzsch, Brownian Motion: an introduction to stochastic processes
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