Rigidity School, Tokyo 2011/2012
場所:東京大学数理科学研究科 (駒場キャンパス)002号室
注意1: 数理科学研究科 002号室の入り口は研究科棟の西側(井の頭線踏切寄)にあり,本棟の入り口(北側のメインエントランス,東西にある ふたつの小さな入り口)とは異なります.School期間中は掲示を張り出す予定ですので,ご注意下さい.
Michael KAPOVICH (University of California, Davis)
藤原 耕二 (東北大学)
糸健太郎 (名古屋大学)
奥田 隆幸 (東京大学)
中西敏浩 (島根大学)
松田能文 (東京大学)
矢吹康浩 (名古屋大学)
山形紗恵子 (明石高専)
吉野太郎 (東京大学)
井関裕靖 (慶応大学) izeki@math.keio.ac.jp
金井雅彦 (東京大学) mkanai@ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
納谷信 (名古屋大学) nayatani@math.nagoya-u.ac.jp
March 17 (Sat)
14:00-15:00 Koji Fujiwara (1)
15:20-16:20 Taro Yoshino
16:40-17:40 Misha Kapovich (1)
March 18 (Sun)
9:40-10:40 Misha Kapovich (2)
11:00-12:00 Toshihiro Nakanishi
14:00-15:00 Takayuki Okuda
15:20-16:20 Koji Fujiwara (2)
16:40-17:40 Saeko Yamagata
March 19 (Mon)
9:40-10:40 Koji Fujiwara (3)
11:00-12:00 Yasuhiro Yabuki
14:00-15:00 Yoshifumi Matsuda
15:20-16:20 Misha Kapovich (3)
16:40-17:40 Kentaro Ito
March 20 (Tue)
9:40-10:40 Koji Fujiwara (4)
11:00-12:00 Misha Kapovich (4)
Misha Kapovich
Title: Quasi-isometric rigidity in geometric group theory
Abstract: I will present several techniques in quasi-isometric rigidity and their applications: Asymptotic cones, coarse topology, quasi-conformal maps. Among applications are Morse lemma, Mostow and Tukia rigidity theorems, coarse surjectivity of quasi-isometric embeddings of Poincare duality groups.
Koji Fujiwara
Title: Group actions on quasi-trees
Abstract: The study on group actions on simplicial trees is classical. Bass-Serre theory gives a description of the group if the action is non-trivial, namely, there is no global fixed point. It also has some connection to property T.
A quasi-tree is a graph which is quasi-isometric to a simplicial tree. We will study group actions on quasi-trees by automorphisms. In this case, an action is non-trivial if there is an unbouded orbit. We give sufficient conditions for a group to have a non-trivial action on a quasi-tree, discuss standard examples, and study some consequence from non-trivial group actions on quasi-trees. The lecture stars with the basic of delta-hyperbolic geometry.
Kentaro Ito
Title: A family of slices of the Maskit slice for the twice punctured torus
Abstract: Via combination theorem, the Maskit slice $M(1,2)$ for the twice punctured torus can be regard as a subset of the product of the Maskit slice $M(1,1)$ for the once punctured torus (or the 4-puncture sphere). In this talk, we consider slices of the Maskit slice $M(1,2)$ which are obtained by fixing one variable in the boundary of $M(1,1)$ and show that these slices are just translations of $M(1,1)$.
Takayuki Okuda
Title: Semisimple symmetric spaces with properly discontinuous actions of surface groups
Abstract: We consider symmetric spaces M := G/H with connected linear simple Lie groups G. In this talk, we give a classification of such symmetric spaces for which there exist properly discontinuous actions of surface groups as isometries of M. Our method is based on the results of T. Kobayashi [Math. Ann. '89] and Y. Benoist [Ann. Math. '96] together with combinatorial techniques of nilpotent orbits.
Tosihiro Nakanishi
Title: Parametrization for Teichm¥"uller spaces and its application to a representation of the mapping class groups
Abstract: Every marked Fuchsian group of type $(g,m)$ is determined by the traces of 6g-5 matrices in the group. This result was first proved by P. Schmutz in 1994. We review this result and show that the mapping class group of the genus 2 surface can be represented by a group of rational transformations in 7 traces.
Yoshifumi Matsuda
Title: Blowing up and down compacta with geometrically finite convergence actions of a group
Abstract: We consider two compacta with minimal non-elementary convergence actions of a countable group. When there exists an equivariant continuous map from one to the other, we call the first a blow-up of the second and the second a blow-down of the first. It is known that if one is a blow-up of the other, then each maximal parabolic subgroup with respect to the first is a parabolic subgroup with respect to the second. We show that the converse holds if both actions are geometrically finite. We also provide some applications. This talk is based on a joint work with Shin-ichi Oguni and Saeko Yamagata.
Yasuhiro Yabuki
Title: Proper conjugation of isometry groups on Gromov hyperbolic spaces
Abstract: A discrete group G consisting of isometries of a Gromov hyperbolic space X is said to have a proper conjugation if the conjugate of G by some isometry of X is strictry contained in G. We give a sufficient condition for G to have no proper conjugation, which is a result of a joint work with Katsuhiko Matsuzaki.
Saeko Yamagata
Title: Commensurators of surface braid groups
Abstract: Let g and n be integers at least two. In this talk, we explain that the abstract commensurator of the braid group with n strands on a closed orientable surface of genus g is naturally isomorphic to the extended mapping class group of a compact orientable surface of genus g with n boundary components. This talk is based on a joint work with Yoshikata Kida.
Taro Yoshino
Title: Deformation space of Clifford-Klein form and topological blow-up
Abstract: The study of deformation spaces of Clifford-Klein forms in a general setting was initiated by T. Kobayashi as a generalization of the Teichmuller space.
The first part of this talk surveys some of my previous results and known facts on deformation spaces, including: (1) some rigidity theorem, (2) explicit form of some deformation spaces. We also see that deformation spaces may fail to be Hausdorff.
In the latter part, we introduce `Topological Blow-up' as a method of understand a non-Hausdorff space.