Tomoki Nakanishi
Graduate School of Mathematics
Nagoya University
Talk Slides (selected)
Last updated on 2023/9/19
Dilogarithm identities, cluster algebras, and cluster scattering diagrams
Polylogarithms, Cluster Algebras, and Scattering Amplitudes,
Brin Mathematics Research Center, September, 2023.
Cluster algebras and cluster scattering diagrams (in Japanese)
2022 Algebra Symposium,
RIMS, August, 2022.
Cluster algebras, root systems, and scattering diagrams (in Japanese)
2021 Annual Meeting of Japanese Mathematical Society,
Keio Univ. (online), March, 2021.
- Exact WKB analysis and cluster algebras
4TH Workshop on Cominatorics of Moduli Spaces, Cluster Algebras, and Topological Recursion, Laboratoire J.-V. Poncelet, Steklov Mathematical Institute, and the Higher School of Economics, May 26-31, 2014, Moscow, Russia
Combinatorial Representation Theory,
Centre de Recherches Mathéqmatiques, Montréal, April 21-25, 2014.
Wonder of sine-Gordon Y-systems
Algebra, Combinatorics and Representation Theory:
in memory of Andrei Zelevinsky,
Northeastern Univ., Boston, April, 2013.
Cluster algebras and applications
JMS autumn meeting, Shinshu Univeristy, September 2011.
Dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory and cluster algebras
(ver. 2010.11.25)
Dilogarithm identities and cluster algebras
T and Y-systems, dilogarithm identities and cluster algebras:
nonsmiply laced case
pdf (for two talks)
JMS annual metting, Keio Univeristy, March 2010.