
Seminars in 2011

Monday, 14:30-18:00,31st Oct Room A-428
Canonical bases in Fock spaces, rational DAHA and quiver Hecke algebras seminar:
Members: Demonet, Iijima, Iyama, Grant, Konishi, Miyachi, Paku and Sadohara.
Please, join our seminar. Welcome!

Every Tuesday, 13:45-18:00 Room A-332 (Spring semester)
Canonical bases in Fock spaces, rational DAHA and quiver Hecke algebras seminar:
Members: Demonet, Iijima, Iyama, Grant, Konishi, Miyachi, Paku and Sadohara.
On 19/Jul/2011, we starts from 14:45 Room A-332.
Please, join our seminar. Welcome!

Seminars in 2010

11 May (Tuesday), Room I-452
16:30-17:30 Kodera Ryosuke (Tokyo University)
Title: Extensions between finite-dimensional simple modules over a generalized current Lie algebra
Abstract: $\mathfrak{g}$を$\mathbb{C}$上の有限次元半単純Lie代数,$A$を有限生成可換 $\mathbb{C}$代数とする. テンソル積$A \otimes \mathfrak{g}$に自然にLie代数の構造を与えたものを一般化されたカレントLie代数と呼ぶ. 一般化されたカレントLie代数の任意の2つの有限次元既約表現に対して,その1次のExt群を完全に決定することができたので,その結果について発表する.
14 June (Monday), Room I-255
17:30-18:30 Kazuto Iijima (Nagoya University)
Title: Higher level q-Fock spaces

John Enyang

13 Jan, Room I-409
09:00-10:30 Stephen Griffeth (Edinburgh)
Title: Introduction to symplectic reflection algebras
13 Jan, Room I-409
10:45-12:15 Toshiro Kuwabara (Seoul)
Title: On localization of the rational Cherednik algebras and other algebras
17 Jan, Room I-409
14:45-15:15 Stephen Griffeth (Edinburgh)
Title: Specht-valued Jack polynomials and representations of rational Cherednik algebras
17 Jan, Room I-409
16:30-17:30 Ian M. Musson (Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Title: Combinatorics of Character Formulas for the Lie Superalgebra gl(m,n)
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