9:00-- 9:15 Opening
9:30--10:30 M.Kuranishi (Columbia Univ.)
Lie groups and complex analysis
11:00--12:00 P.Tomter (Univ. of Oslo)
Isometric immersions of homogeneous spaces
13:30--14:30 S.Kaneyuki (Sophia Univ.)
Recent development in geometry of parahermitian symmetric spaces
15:00--16:00 J.Slovak (Masaryk Univ.,Brno)
Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand sequences
16:30--17:30 K.Yamaguchi (Hokkaido Univ.)
Geometry of higher order differential equations of finite type
associated with symmetric spaces
December 14 (Tuesday)
9:30--10:30 B. Komrakov (Kazan State Univ., International Sophus Lie Centre)
Transformation groups and geometric structures
(on some Sophus Lie ideas in differential equations)
11:00--12:00 J. P. Ramis (Univ. of Toulouse)
Differential Galois group and integrability of hamiltonian systems
13:30--14:30 A. Onishchik (Yaroslavl State Univ., International Sophus Lie Centre)
Supermanifolds associated with the cotangent bundle
15:00--16:00 A. Cap (Univ. of Wien)
Almost CR-manifolds of CR-dimension and codimension two
16:30--17:30 H. Umemura (Nagoya Univ.)
Lie-Drach-Vessiot Theory and Painlevé equations
18:30--20:30 Reception
December 15 (Wednesday)
9:30--10:30 K. Saito (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)
Elliptic Lie Algebra (beyond Kac-Moody Algebra)
11:00--12:00 B. Malgrange (Institut Fourier)
On the characteristic variety of analytic differential systems
13:30--17:00 Excursion in Kyoto
December 16 (Thursday)
9:30--10:30 T. Nomura (Kyoto Univ.)
Berezin transforms and Laplace-Beltrami operators on homogeneous Siegel domains
-- commutativity, symmetry of the domain and a Cayley transform --
11:00--12:00 O. Mathieu (Univ. of Lyon)
13:30--14:30 S. J. Cheng (National Cheng-Kung Univ.)
Infinite-dimensional simple transitive Lie superalgebras of vector fields
15:00--16:00 M. Wakimoto (Kyushu Univ.)
Some aspects of representation theory of affine Lie superalgebras
16:30--17:30 H. Urakawa (Tohoku Univ.)
Yang-Mills theory in Einstein-Weyl geometry and affine geometry
December 17 (Friday)
9:30--10:30 H. Sato (Nagoya Univ.)
Construction of contact diffeomorphisms from Schwarzian derivatives
11:00--12:00 H. Goldschmidt (Columbia Univ.)
Infinitesimal spectral rigidity of symmetric spaces
13:30--14:30 B. Doubrov (Kazan State Univ., International Sophus Lie Centre)
Contact invariants of ordinary differential equations
15:00--16:00 P. J. Olver (University of Minnesota)
Moving frames --- in geometry, invariant theory, computer vision
and numerical analysis
16:30--17:30 D. Tunitsky (International Sophus Lie Centre)
Global multivalued solutions of Monge-Ampère equations
(with computer program demonstration)
December 18 (Saturday)
13:00--16:00 Sumoh and Noh in the Nara Park
December 19 (Sunday)
9:30--10:30 H. Omori, A. Yoshioka (Science Univ. of Tokyo) and Y. Maeda (Keio Univ.)
Anomalous exponent of quadratics in deformation quantizations
11:00--12:00 S. Gindikin (Rutgers Univ.)
Complex integral geometry on real semisimple Lie groups
14:00--17:00 Excursion to Horyuji
December 20 (Monday)
9:30--10:30 G. Ishikawa (Hokkaido Univ.)
Recent results on developable submanifolds Examples and classifications
11:00--12:00 R. Bryant (Duke Univ.)
On some applications of Cartan's generalization of Lie's Third Fundamental Theorem
13:30--14:30 R. Miyaoka (Sophia Univ.)
Lie sphere geometry and Lie contact structure
15:00--16:00 J. Krasil'shchik (Moscow Independent Univ., International Sophus Lie Centre)
Complete integrability of nonlinear PDE and supersymmetry
16:30--17:30 P. Kersten (Univ. of Twente)
Supersymmetries and recursion operators for N=2 supersymmetric KdV-equation
December 21 (Tuesday)
9:00--10:00 K. Kiyohara (Hokkaido Univ.)
On manifolds whose geodesic flows are integrable
10:15--11:15 J. Conn (Univ. of Minnesota)
Levi-Malcev theorems in smooth Poisson algebras
11:30--12:30 T. Morimoto (Nara Women's Univ.)
Geometric structures and differential equations on filtered manifolds
13:30--15:00 Farewell dinner
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