Advanced Lecture on Fundamental Physics III
``Anti-Self-Dual Yang-Mills equation and twistor theory''
- Slides and Materials are uploaded below. (2019/10/14)
- This homepage is open. (2019/09/02)
Syllabus etc. (For Japanese one, see here.)
- Title: Anti-Self-Dual Yang-Mills equation (ASDYM) and twistor theory
- Date: 2019/10/03・04
- Place: Chiba university, Fac. of Science building No.1,
Seminar room No. 405, 4th floor,
- Grading: Attendence and Report
[Report(Deadline extended)]
Plan (Update: 10/13)
- 10/3 (AM) Overview [Slide], Intro to ASDYM
- 10/3 (PM) Intro to twistor correspondence
- 10/3 (PM) Penrose-Ward transformation
- 10/4 (AM) Intro to soliton theory [Slide]
- 10/4 (PM) Reduction of ASDYM
- 10/4 (PM) ADHM/Nahm construction of instantons/monopoles
- [1]
Lionel Mason and Nick Woodhouse,
``Integrability, Self-Duality, and Twistor Theory,''
(Oxford大学出版, 1997)
- [2]
Maciej Dunajski,
``Solitons, Instantons, and Twistors,''
(Oxford大学出版, 2010)
- [3]
高崎金久「ツイスターの世界」(共立出版, 2005)
- [4]
特集「ツイスター理論の拡がり」 雑誌 数理科学 2006年10月号
- [5]
浜中真志「可積分系とゲージ場の理論」 数理科学 2017年11月号 49-55.