Title: Consistency of 2d Conformal field theory with boundary and Swiss-cheese operad Abstract: Conformal field theory can be formulated algebraically using the associativity and commutativity (a.k.a. bootstrap equation) of operator product expansions (OPEs). However, the algebraic structure of conformal field theory differs from ordinary algebra in that it has convergence regions where the products are well-defined. In this talk, we will show that, in the case of 2d conformal field theories with/without boundary, the combinatorial structure of the convergence region of OPEs can be described based on the fundamental groupoid of the Swiss-Cheese/E2 operad (PaPB/PaB operad). Mathematically, we will show that (1) The PaPB/PaB operad acts on the representation category of a vertex operator algebra imposing a certain finiteness. (2) The bootstrap equations imposed on conformal field theories with/without boundary in physics are generators of the PaPB/PaB operad. (3) From this, we can prove the consistency of conformal field theory under the finiteness of (1). If time permits, we will also explain some explicit constructions of solutions of the bootstrap equations for boundary conformal field theory (D branes).