Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 20:32:17 +0900 (JST) Message-Id: <20060825.203217.06629593.garrigue at> To: stalkern2 at Cc: lablgtk at Subject: Re: how to put text in a drawing_area ? From: Jacques Garrigue In-Reply-To: <44EED402.6010006 at> References: <44EE235F.2050809 at> <> <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Length: 485 From: Stalkern 2 > Still searching... > > So far I need to go from a GDraw.pixmap (server-side offscreen buffer > IIRC) to a Gdk.Image (client-side offscreen buffer). > > What kind of object would allow me this move, apart from a visible window? I'm not sure I understand your problem. You can extract a Gdk.pixmap from a GDraw.pixmap (using the pixmap method). Then you can get an image with the Gdk.Imgage.get function. Do you need anything else? Jacques