Help for FIML Query

You may write your code on any number of lines. Multiple queries and definitions are just separated by ";;". However all your queries should be made at once: the session will be terminated after you get your answer.

You are running in a directory containing the described example files. You may load them. For instance a correct query could be:

#dialogue true ;; load "prelude" ;; /1,3,2 ;; T2 add ;; add ;;
for which you will get the output
Bienvenue dans FIML-light, Version 0.4 ! An interpreter by J. Garrigue, April 1994. ##dialogue true ;; #load "prelude" ;; ... "" loaded. #/1,3,2 ;; it : <int, int, int> = <1, 3, 2> #T2 add ;; it : <int, int> = <4, 2> #add ;; it : int = 6
If you are mixing get commands in your query, you must give answers too:

open_std; get; \s; put(s^".\n"); close_std ;; Hello
Bienvenue dans FIML-light, Version 0.4 ! An interpreter by J. Garrigue, April 1994. #open_std; get; \s; put(s^".\n"); close_std ;; Hello. it : <> = <>
If you want to try more complicated things, get the interpreter. It is really small!

JG 94.4.8