●Combinatorics and Representation Theory
The main theme is combinatorics and representation theory, and we will emphasize their interactions and their connections to other fields such as mathematical physics, probability theory, geometry, etc.
- 日程
- 2008年9月1日(月)〜5日(金)
- 会場
- 名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科 理1号館 509講義室
- 講演者
- [1時間講演]
Vyjayanthi Chari (University of California, Riverside),
Philippe Di Francesco (Institut de Physique Théorique),
Federico Incitti (Sapienza Università di Roma),
Rinat Kedem (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),
Ronald C. King (University of Southampton),
Anatol N. Kirillov (京都大学数理解析研究所),
Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon),
Thomas Lam (Harvard University),
Cédric Lecouvey (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale),
Jørn Børling Olsson (University of Copenhagen),
Arun Ram (University of Wisconsin-Madison/University of Melbourne),
Piotr Śniady (University of Wrocław),
John Stembridge (University of Michigan),
池田 岳 (岡山理科大学),
石川 雅雄 (鳥取大学),
川中 宣明 (大阪大学),
国場 敦夫 (東京大学),
鈴木 武史 (岡山大学),
松本 詔 (名古屋大学)
- [30分講演]
Shona Yu (University of Sydney),
坂本 玲峰 (東京大学),
仲田 研登 (大阪大学),
水川 裕司 (防衛大学校),
森田 英章 (小山工業高等専門学校)
- 世話人
- 岡田 聡一 (名古屋大学/代表者),
落合 啓之 (名古屋大学),
洞 彰人 (名古屋大学),
尾角 正人 (大阪大学),
山田 裕史 (岡山大学)
- ダウンロード
- プログラムおよびアブストラクト [PDF/76KB]
9月1日(月) |
09:30–10:30 | Arun Ram (University of Wisconsin-Madison/University of Melbourne) Two boundary Hecke algebras and tantalizer algebras |
11:00–12:00 | 鈴木 武史 (岡山大学) Cylindric combinatorics and the representation theory of Cherednik algebras |
12:00–13:30 | 昼休み |
13:30–14:30 | Anatol N. Kirillov (京都大学数理解析研究所) 25 years of the rigged configuration bijection |
15:00–16:00 | 国場 敦夫 (東京大学) Physical combinatorics of tau function and Bethe ansatz |
16:30–17:30 | Vyjayanthi Chari (University of California, Riverside) Minimal affinizations and character formulas |
9月2日(火) |
09:30–10:30 | Piotr Śniady (University of Wrocław) Combinatorial interpretation of Kerov character polynomials |
11:00–12:00 | 松本 詔 (名古屋大学) Jack polynomial, random matrix theory, and hyperdeterminant |
12:00–13:30 | 昼休み |
13:30–14:30 | Rinat Kedem (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) Combinatorics of the Kirillov–Reshetikhin conjecture |
15:00–16:00 | Philippe Di Francesco (Institut de Physique Théorique) Q-system, heaps, paths and the cluster positivity conjecture |
16:30–17:00 | 坂本 玲峰 (東京大学) Combinatorial aspects of the box-ball system |
17:00–17:30 | Shona Yu (University of Sydney) The cyclotomic Birman–Murakami–Wenzl algebras (and cylindrical tangles) |
18:00– | 懇親会 (レストラン花の木) |
9月3日(水) |
09:30–10:30 | Ronald C. King (University of Southampton) Row and column length restrictions of some classsical Schur function identities and the connection with Howe dual pairs |
11:00–12:00 | 川中 宣明 (大阪大学) Plain Algorithms |
9月4日(木) |
09:30–10:30 | Jørn Børling Olsson (University of Copenhagen) Sign elements in symmetric groups |
11:00–12:00 | 石川 雅雄 (鳥取大学) Enumeration problems of plane partitions and Pfaffian (determinant) expressions |
12:00–13:30 | 昼休み |
13:30–14:30 | Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon) Cyclotomic Hecke algebras and W-algebras |
15:00–16:00 | Cédric Lecouvey (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale) Kashiwara and Zelevinsky crystal involutions in affine type A |
16:30–17:00 | 水川 裕司 (防衛大学校) Wreath product generalization of the Gelfand triple (S2n, Hn, ξ) |
17:00–17:30 | 森田 英章 (小山工業高等専門学校) Garsia–Haiman modules for hooks and its graded characters at roots of unity |
17:30–18:00 | 仲田 研登 (Osaka University) Hook formula for a generalized Young diagram |
9月5日(金) |
09:30–10:30 | Thomas Lam (Harvard University) Total positivity for loop groups |
11:00–12:00 | 池田 岳 (岡山理科大学) Schubert geometry of the flag variety of classical types |
12:00–13:30 | 昼休み |
13:30–14:30 | Federico Incitti (Sapienza Università di Roma) Dyck partitions, quasi-minuscule quotients and Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials |
15:00–16:00 | John Stembridge (University of Michigan) Admissible W-graphs |