- 期間:
- 2008年1月26日(土)〜1月29日(火)
- 会場:
- 名古屋大学 野依記念ホール (野依記念学術交流館)
- 招待講演者:
- Bohui Chen (四川大),
Daguang Chen (清華大),
Qun Chen (武漢大),
Huitao Feng (南開大),
Zhen Guo (雲南師範大),
Haizhong Li (清華大),
Huili Liu (Northeastern U.),
Hui Ma (清華大),
Xiang Ma (北京大),
Zizhou Tang (北京師範大),
Changping Wang (北京大),
Yuanlong Xin (復旦大),
Hongwei Xu (浙江大),
Weiping Zhang (南開大),
Bin Zhou (北京大),
Xiangyu Zhou (中国科学院)
- 芥川一雄 (東京理科大),
足立俊明 (名古屋工業大),
泉屋周一 (北海道大),
小野肇 (東工大),
小磯深幸 (奈良女子大),
佐治健太郎 (北海道大),
田丸博士 (広島大),
野原雄一 (東北大),
山口孝男 (筑波大)
- 世話人:
- 宮岡礼子 (東北大),
小林亮一 (名古屋大),
Qing-Ming Cheng (佐賀大),
二木昭人 (東工大),
満渕俊樹 (大阪大),
大仁田義裕 (大阪市大)
- 科研費:
- 小林亮一 (名古屋大),
宮岡礼子 (東北大),
二木昭人 (東工大),
納谷 信 (名古屋大),
野口潤次郎 (東京大),
Qing-Ming Cheng (佐賀大),
藤原耕二 (東北大),
満渕俊樹 (大阪大),
大仁田義裕 (大阪市大),
梅原雅顕 (大阪大)
- ダウンロード
- リンク:
- The 3rd Geometry Conference for Friendship of Japan and China [東工大]
January 26 (Sat) |
08:30–09:15 | Morning Session (Coffee and Sandwiches) |
09:15–10:00 | Yuanlong Xin (復旦大学) On Lawson–Osserman Problem |
10:15–11:00 | 山口孝男 (筑波大学) Two-dimensional Alexandrov spaces with curvarture bounded above — from local structure to Gauss–Bonnet |
11:15–12:00 | Xiangyu Zhou (中国科学院) Rigidity, automorphism group and group action |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–14:15 | Bohui Chen (四川大学) Virtual manifolds and localization |
14:30–15:15 | Changping Wang (北京大学) Willmore surfaces in Sn with constant Möbius curvature |
15:30–16:15 | Hui Ma (清華大学) Lagrangian submanifolds and variational problems |
16:30–17:15 | 芥川一雄 (東京理科大学) On the Yamabe invariant of M×S1 |
January 27 (Sun) |
08:30–09:15 | Morning Session (Coffee and Sandwiches) |
09:15–10:00 | Bin Zhou (北京大学) Minimizing weak solutions for calabis extremal metrics on toric manifolds |
10:15–11:00 | Qun Chen (武漢大学) Dirac-harmonic Maps and Dirac equations on Riemann surfaces |
11:15–12:00 | Haizhong Li (清華大学) Variational problems for geometry of submanifolds |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–14:15 | 泉屋周一 (北海道大学) Legendrian dualities for “flat” surfaces in Lorentz–Minkowski pseudo-spheres I |
14:30–15:15 | 佐治健太郎 (北海道大学) Legendrian dualities for “flat” surfaces in Lorentz–Minkowski pseudo-spheres II |
15:30–16:15 | Zizhou Tang (北京師範大学) TBA |
16:30–17:15 | Hongwei Xu (浙江大学) Morse inequalities and sphere theorems for submanifolds |
January 28 (Mon) |
08:30–09:15 | Morning Session (Coffee and Sandwiches) |
09:15–10:00 | Huitao Feng (南開大学) On the eta invariants of Atiyah–Patodi–Singer |
10:15–11:00 | 野原雄一 (東北大学) Toric degeneration of flag manifolds and the Gelfand–Cetlin system |
11:15–12:00 | Huili Liu (Northeastern University) Curves and surfaces in lightlike cone |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–14:15 | 小磯深幸 (奈良女子大学) A free boundary problem for surfaces with constant anisotropic mean curvature |
14:30–15:15 | 小野肇 (東京工業大学) The existence of toric Sasaki–Einstein metrics |
15:30–16:15 | 足立俊明 (名古屋工業大学) Kähler manifolds and extrinsic shapes of curves through isometric immersions |
16:30–17:15 | Xiang Ma (北京大学) Polar transforms for surfaces in 4-dim Lorentzian conformal geometry |
January 29 (Tue) |
08:30–09:15 | Morning Session (Coffee and Sandwiches) |
09:15–10:00 | Zhen Guo (雲南師範大学) TBA |
10:15–11:00 | Daguang Chen (清華大学) Extrinsic estimates for eigenvalues of the Dirac operator |
11:15–12:00 | 田丸博士 (広島大学) Parabolic subgroups of semisimple Lie groups and noncompact homogeneous Einstein manifolds |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch |
13:30–14:15 | Weiping Zhang (南開大学) TBA |
14:30– | Excuresion |