庄司   俊明    ( Toshiaki SHOJI)

〒464-8602 名古屋市千種区不老町 2641
TEL:  052-789-5605;   FAX : 052-789-2829 (数学事務室)
E -mail:  shoji AT math.nagoya-u.ac.jp   (replace AT by @)
Updated on :  February 7, 2005

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To Mathematical Society of Japan,  10th International Research Institute (MSJ-IRI, August 1 - August 10, 2001)
"Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups"
第10回日本数学会国際研究集会  (MSJ - IRI) 「代数群と量子群の表現論」 の案内  (日本語版)

To 6th International Conference by Graduate School of mathematics, Nagoya University (June 12 - June 17, 2006)
"Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups 06"

To 10th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University (August 2 - August 6, 2010)
"Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups '10"

私の研究テーマ (click the logo mark for details )

研究集会   ( 記録とお知らせ)


名古屋 RAQ セミナー (名大)

教育研究プロジェクト: 複素鏡映群に付随したHecke環と Macdonald関数

リフレッシュ コーナー 


  1. Generalized Green functions and unipotent classes for finite reductive groups, II. Preprint. (PDF,   PostScript)  
  2. A variant of the induction theorem for Springer representations, (revised in July 2006) To appear in J. Algebra. (PDF,   PostScript)  
  3. Generalized Green functions and unipotent classes for finite reductive groups, I. To appear in Nagoya Math. J. (PDF,   PostScript)  
  4. Green functions and Macdonald functions associated to complex reflection groups. Preprint. To appear in the proceedings of the "Conference in Algebras" held in Ateneo de Manila Univesity, 2002. (DVI,   PostScript)  


  1. 複素鏡映群に付随したGreen関数 - D_n型を中心にして -.   数理解析研 究所講究録「 組合せ論的表現論をめぐる話題」 (2001) 107 - 125
  2. Green functions associated to complex reflection groups G(e,1,n).  In ``Physics and Combinatorics 2000'', Proceedings of the Nagoya 2000 International Workshop, World Scientific (2001), 281--298. (DVI,   PostScript)
  3. Representations of finite Chevalley groups.  Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 32, (2001), 369--378.
  4. B型Hecke環のKazhdan-Lusztig basis と A型量子群の canonical basis; 第4回代数群と量子群の表現論研究集会 報告集 (2001), 41 - 55 (with K. Ohkura).
  5. Green functions associated to complex reflection groups.   J. Algebra. 245, (2001), 650 - 694. ( DVI,   PostScript )
  1. 複素鏡映群に付随したGreen関数について.   数学 54, (2002), 69 - 85. (DVI,   PostScript  )
  2. Green functions associated to complex reflection groups, II. J. Algebra 258, (2002), 563 - 598. (DVI,   PostScript)   RT/0105053
  3. On certain bases for Ariki-Koike algebras arising from canonical bases for $U_v(sl_m)$. SUT J. of Math., 38, (2002), 145 - 173. (with K. Ohkura) (DVI,   PostScript)  
  1. Macdonald functions associated to complex reflection groups. J. Alg. 260, (2003), 426-448. (DVI,   PostScript)   QA/0208061
  2. Generalized Green functions, unipotent classes and graded Hecke algebras.  数理解析研究所講究録「 組合せ論的表現論とその周辺」(2003) 154 - 168.
  1. 有木進氏の業績 -- Hecke環と量子群の新しい結び付き -- 数学 56 (2004) 194 - 199. (DVI,   PostScript)  
  2. Green functions attached to limit symbols. Adv. Studies in Pure Math. 40, "Representation theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups", pp.443 - 467 (2004).
  3. 代数学百科 I、群論の進化 第3章 ドリーニュ-ルスティック指標を訪ねて --有限シュバレー群の表現論--, pp. 185 - 326. (堀田、渡辺、三町氏との 共著)朝倉書店 (2004).
  4. Lusztig's conjecture for special linear groups. 数理研講究録「組み合わせ論的表現論の諸相」(2004) 80 -- 89. (PDF,   PostScript)  
  5. Subfield symmetric spaces for finite special linear grouups. Representation theory, an Electronic J. of AMS, 8, (2004) 487--521 (with K. Sorlin). (PDF,   PostScript)  
  1. Modified Ariki-Koike algebras and cyclotomic $q$-Schur algebras, Math. Z. 249, (2005) 829--867 (with N. Sawada). (DVI,   PostScript)
  2. On Green functions assocaited to complex reflection groups. Sugaku Expositions 18, (2005) 123--141. (DVI,   PostScript)  
  3. 有限Chevalley群の表現論と複素鏡映群, 2005年度日本数学会秋季総合分科会、 総合講演・企画特別講演アブストラクト pp.21 -- 31. (PDF,   PostScript)
  4. 表現論の光芒 -- Hecke環をめぐる7つの物語 -- 数理科学 2005年12月号 pp.15 - 21.
  1. Symmetric space assocaited to finite special linear groups, Proceedings of the conference on groups and Lie algebras, 上智大学数学講究録 No. 46, (2006), 119 -- 137.
  2. Schur-Weyl reciprocity between quantum groups and Hecke algerbas of type $G(p,p,n)$. (with J. Hu) J. of Algebra, 298 (2006), 215 -- 237.
  3. Lusztig's conjecture for finite special linear groups. Representation Theory, an Electronic J. of AMS, 10, (2006) 164--222. (PDF,   PostScript)  
  4. On the computation of irreducible characters of finite reductive groups. 数理解析研究所講究録「組合せ論的表現論の世界」(2006) 140 -- 153.
