Date: Tue Jul 12 01:17:41 GMT 2016
From: Todor Milanov
Subject: MS seminar at Kavli IPMU -- Sho Tanimoto -- Jul 26 (Tu), 2016
Dear all,

I would like to announce the following Mathematics and String theory seminar at Kavli IPMU.

Speaker:	Sho Tanimoto	(U Copenhagen)
Date:	Tue, Jul 26, 2016, 15:30 - 17:00
Place:	Seminar Room B

Title:	On the geometry of thin exceptional sets in Manin's conjecture

Abstract:	Manin's conjecture predicts an asymptotic formula for the counting function of the number of rational points on a Fano variety, and it has an explicit asymptotic formula in terms of geometric invariants of the underlying variety. The original conjecture, which predicts an asymptotic formula after removing a closed exceptional set, is wrong due to covering families of subvarieties violating the compatibility of Manin's conjecture, and its refinement suggested by Peyre removes a thin set instead of a closed set. In this talk, I will discuss that subvarieties violating the compatibility of Manin's conjecture only forms a thin set using the minimal model program and the boundedness of log Fano varieties. Then I will discuss our conjecture on the birational finiteness of generically finite covers violating the compatibility of Manin's conjecture. This is joint work with Brian Lehmann.


Todor Eliseev Milanov
Associate Professor 
Kavli IPMU,  Japan

todor.milanov at