Date: Mon Feb 01 00:58:56 GMT 2016
From: Todor Milanov
Subject: MS seminar at Kavli IPMU -- Vassily Gorbounov (U of Aberdeen) -- Feb 10
Dear all,

I would like to announce the following Mathematics and String theory seminar at Kavli IPMU. 

Speaker:	 Vassily Gorbounov	(U of Aberdeen)
Date:	Wed, Feb 10, 2016, 13:15 - 14:45
Place:	Seminar Room B

Title:   6 vertex quantum integrable system and cohomology of Grassmanian

Abstract: We prove that the Yang Baxter algebra of the so called six vertex model from statistical physics acts naturally on the equivariant cohomology of the Grassmanians very much in the same way as the Yangian acts on the equivariant cohomology of the cotangent spaces to the Grassmanians in the work of Maulik and Okounkov. In particular, the R matrix of our Yang Baxter algebra is the transition matrix between different choices of the equivariant Schubert basis in cohomology. Also our Yang Baxter algebra is realized as a subalgebra in the geometric convolution algebra. We believe a similar structure exists for a larger class of homogeneous spaces.


Todor Eliseev Milanov
Associate Professor 
Kavli IPMU,  Japan

todor.milanov at