Date: Wed Oct 01 11:24:43 GMT 2014
From: 吉田尚彦
Subject: 2014年度第2回明治大学幾何セミナーのお知らせ


日程:10月23日(木)16:30 -18:00

講演者:原田 芽ぐみ氏(McMaster University & 大阪市立大学)
題目:*Newton-Okounkov bodies, representation theory, and Bott-Samelson
概要:The theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is a far-reaching generalization of
the theory of toric varieties. In particular, it can associate to any
complex projective variety X a convex body (which is a rational polytope in
many cases) of dimension equal to the complex dimension of X; in the case
when X is a toric variety, the convex body is exactly the usual Newton
polytope. Moreover, in a recent paper, Kaveh showed that the string
polytopes in geometric representation theory are special cases of
Newton-Okounkov bodies associated to flag varieties G/B. Hence the theory
of Newton-Okounkov bodies is naturally related to many interesting
questions in representation theory and Schubert calculus. The Bott-Samelson
varieties give resolutions of singularities of Schubert varieties and are
central in the study of the geometry of G/B. I will give an overview of
this subject in relation to Newton-Okounkov bodies and discuss some recent
and ongoing work, as well as some open questions.


Takahiko Yoshida
Department of Mathematics
School of Science and Technology
Meiji University


日程:10月23日(木)16:30 -18:00

講演者:原田 芽ぐみ氏(McMaster University & 大阪市立大学)
題目:Newton-Okounkov bodies, representation theory, and Bott-Samelson varieties
概要:The theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is a far-reaching generalization of the theory of toric varieties. In particular, it can associate to any complex projective variety X a convex body (which is a rational polytope in many cases) of dimension equal to the complex dimension of X; in the case when X is a toric variety, the convex body is exactly the usual Newton polytope. Moreover, in a recent paper, Kaveh showed that the string polytopes in geometric representation theory are special cases of Newton-Okounkov bodies associated to flag varieties G/B. Hence the theory of Newton-Okounkov bodies is naturally related to many interesting questions in representation theory and Schubert calculus. The Bott-Samelson varieties give resolutions of singularities of Schubert varieties and are central in the study of the geometry of G/B. I will give an overview of this subject in relation to Newton-Okounkov bodies and discuss some recent and ongoing work, as well as some open questions. 


Takahiko Yoshida
Department of Mathematics
School of Science and Technology
Meiji University