Date: Sun Feb 02 00:57:32 GMT 2014
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Primitive forms and related subjects 2014 Feb 10-14
Dear colleagues:

There will be a conference as follows at Kavli IPMU
(Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (Kavli IPMU)

Primitive forms and related subjects

Overview: A primitive from is a top degree differential form on a
family of (open) CY-varieties with the defining property that it
determines a filtration opposite to the semi-infinite Hodge structure
and induces the Frobenius (=flat) structure on the deformation
parameter space.  Recently, primitive forms have drawn strong
attention from both mathematicians and physicists. They are expected
to describe objects in complex geometry that are mirror to invariants
in symplectic geometry like Gromov-Witten or FJRW invariants.  In this
workshop, we will present the current status of this rapidly
developing subject.    We will organize three basic lecture series as
well as conference talks on the new aspects of ongoing research.

Dates: February 10 (Mon) - 14 (Fri), 2014

Venue: Lecture Hall (1F), Kavli IPMU main building

Organizers: Kentaro Hori (Kavli IPMU), Changzheng Li (Kavli IPMU), Si
Li (Boston U.) and Kyoji Saito (Kavli IPMU)


You can check the location from
The schedule of the seminar can be checked from