Date: Tue May 01 02:42:47 GMT 2012
Subject: Variational Methods for Evolving Objects

2012年7月30日(月)~8月3日(金)の日程にて、北海道大学 理学部にて開催い 
たします、サマースクール("Variational Methods for Evolving Objects")に 

最 新情報はホームページにて随時ご案内致します。英語のみ)

組 織委員:L.Ambrosio(ピサ)、P. Rybka(ワルシャワ)、儀我美一(東 

共催:北海道大 学数学連携研究センター

*Variational Methods for Evolving Objects*

日 程(Date):2012年7月30日(月)~8月3日(金) July 30 - August 3, 2012

場 所(Venue): 北海道大学理学部3号館3-309 Room 3-309, Faculty of Science 
Building #3, Hokkaido University, Sapporo

Course Lecturers:

L. Ambrosio (Pisa)

Y. Brenier (Nice)

R. Jerrard (Toronto)

Invited Speakers:

A. Chambolle (Palaiseau)

W. Gangbo (Atlanta)

P. Guidotti (Irvine)

P. Mucha (Warsaw)

M. Novaga (Padova)

D. Pallara (Lecce)

N. Wickramasekera (Cambridge)

*Program: *

Course Lecturers & Main Themes:

Luigi Ambrosio: Gradient flows in metric spaces and in the space of 
probability measures
Yann Brenier: Optimal Transport
Robert Jerrard: Dynamics of vortices and other topological defects in 
nonlinear field theories

July 30 (Monday)

09:00-09:50 Registration

09:50-10:00 Opening

10:00-10:50 Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore)

(Lecture I) Metric formulations of gradient flows: Energy Dissipation 
Inequalities and Evolution Variational Inequalities

11:10-12:00 Yann Brenier (Université de Nice)

(Lecture I) Optimal transport of densities

14:00-14:50 Robert Jerrard (University of Toronto)

(Lecture I) Overview, and parabolic equations

15:10-16:10 Diego Pallara (Università del Salento)

Bounded variation functions in Hilbert spaces and related semigroups

16:30- Poster Session

July 31 (Tuesday)

10:00-10:50 Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore)

(Lecture II) Convergence of the Euler scheme and existence results

11:10-12:00 Yann Brenier (Université de Nice)

(Lecture II) Optimal incompressible transport

14:00-14:50 Robert Jerrard (University of Toronto)

(Lecture II) Wave equations and timelike minimal surfaces

15:10-16:10 Wilfrid Gangbo (Georgia Institute of Technology)

A variational problem involving polyconvexintegrand

16:30-17:30 Matteo Novaga (University of Padova)

Variational problems in infinite dimensional spaces 

18:00- Get-together at Common Space

August 1 (Wednesday)

10:00-11:00 Antonin Chambolle (Ecole Polytechnique)

Some non-local curvature evolutions

11:30-12:30 Patrick Guidotti (University of California, Irvine)

Nonlinear Diffusions and Image Processing

12:30- Free Time (Excursion: optional)

August 2 (Thursday)

10:00-10:50 Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore)

(Lecture III) The theory of gradients in metric measure spaces

11:10-12:00 Yann Brenier (Université de Nice)

(Lecture III) Optimal transport of divergence-free vector fields

14:00-14:50 Robert Jerrard (University of Toronto)

(Lecture III) Vortex dynamics in nonlinear Schrodinger equations

15:10-16:10 Piotr Mucha (Warsaw University)


16:30-17:30 Neshan Wickramasekera (University of Cambridge)

Higher multiplicity in minimal submanifolds

18:00-20:00 Reception Party

August 3 (Friday)

10:00-10:50 Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore)

(Lecture IV) Heat flow and gradient flow of the entropy in metric 
measure spaces

11:10-12:00 Yann Brenier (Université de Nice)

(Lecture IV) Perspectives and open problems

14:00-14:50 Robert Jerrard (University of Toronto)

(Lecture IV) Stability of binormal curvature flow

15:10-15:50 Discussion

15:50- Closing



連 絡事務担当: 

北 海道大学大学院理学研究院 数学研究支援室 小金沢

Tel: 011-706-4671(内線4671)Fax: 011-706-4672