Date: Mon Aug 23 03:51:00 GMT 2010
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Seminar at IPMU on 8/31 Voineagu
Dear colleagues:

We announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

Speaker: Mircea Voineagu (IPMU)

Place: Seminar room A

Date: Aug 31 (Tue), 13:15-14:45

Title:Semi-topological invariants of real algebraic varieties

First part: I will try to give a careful description of some of the
definitions, motivations and main results in the field of motivic
cohomology that will be used in the second part.

Second part: We prove the analogue of Friedlander-Mazur conjecture for
reduced Lawson homology which says that reduced Lawson homology vanish
in all weights over the dimension of a real variety. This can be seen
as an algebraic generalization of the fact that singular homology of
the space of real points of a real smooth variety vanishes over the
algebraic dimension of the variety. If time allows, I will show, by
means of a spectral sequence and Milnor's conjecture, how Atiyah's
KR-theory of the analytic space of a smooth real variety can be
described by real semi-topological K-theory in high indexes. These
results are joint work with J.Heller.
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The schedule of the seminar can be checked from