Date: Tue Nov 24 04:48:25 GMT 2009
From: TAKAGI, Yuki
Subject: 第1回数理科学コロキウム(兼第 19 回数学連携サロン)

各  位

「第1回 数理科学コロキウム(兼第19回数学連携サロン)」を



日 時   12月21日(月)16:30 - 18:30
会 場   北海道大学 理学部3号館 3-205号室 
講演者   Prof. Darren Crowdy(Imperial College London)

演 題 

第 1 部

"Solving Problems in Multiply Connected Domains"

This talk will survey new theoretical methods for solving problems in
the applied sciences involving multiply connected regions. The approach
advocates the central role played by an important transcendental 
function, known as the Schottky-Klein prime function,naturally
associated with any multiply connected planar domain. A variety of
different applications will be discussed.

第 2 部

"A New Calculus for Two Dimensional Vortex Dynamics"

In classical fluid dynamics, an important problem arising in a variety
of applications is to understand how vorticity interacts with solid
objects (e.g. aerofoils, obstacles or stirrers). For planar flows, a
variety of powerful mathematical results exist but the constructions are
usually restricted to problems with just one, or perhaps two, objects.
The talk will show that there is a way to formulate the theory so that
the relevant fluid dynamical formulae are exactly the same irrespective
of the connectivity of the domain thereby leading to a flexible
“calculus” for solving such problems. The approach is built on the
methodologies expounded in the first talk. This application represents
just one physical example where methods based on the Schottky-Klein
prime function can be profitably employed.


高木  由紀(内:9455)
北海道大学 電子科学研究所

外線:   011-706-9455

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