Date: Sat Mar 13 00:06:36 GMT 2010
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Workshop at IPMU 3/17-19 Geometry of lattices and infinite dimensional Lie algibras
Dear colleagues:

We announce the following workshop at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).
Please see the attached file for the abstracts.


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

17 March
10:30 - 12:00 H. Aoki:
On the convergence of Fourier-Jacobi expansion
13:30 - 15:00 N. Scheithauer:
Moonshine for Conway's group
15:30 - 17:00 T. Basak:
The diagrams for  finite unitary reflection groups
17:15 - 18:45 T. Ishibe and K. Saito:
Monoids in the fundamental groups of complement of discriminants
19:00 Dinner

18 March
10:30 - 12:00 S. Kondo:
The Leech lattice and K3 surfaces
13:30 - 15:00 B. Venkov:
Dence Euclidean lattices and energy minimizing
15:30 - 17:00 J. Sekiguchi:
Holonomic systems and fundamental groups -The case of Saito free divisors in C3
19 March
10:30-12:00 Discussions

You can check the location from

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from
attachment(pdf file)