Date: Tue Feb 16 01:43:06 GMT 2010
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Seminar at IPMU 2/23 Lupercio
Dear colleagues:

We announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

Speaker: Ernesto Lupercio  (CINVESTAV)

Date: Feb. 23 (Tue) 2010, 13:15-14:45

Place:  Seminar Room at IPMU Prefab. B

Title: Nearly Frobenius Structures and Quantum Field Theory.


FIRST 20 Minutes:

In this introductory talk for a general audience I will explain some
of the relations between Quantum Field Theory and Topology and how
each informs the other in unexpected ways.


In this talk I will discuss generalizations of the concept of
Frobenius Algebra (Frobenius Manifold, etc) motivated initially by
String Topology. I will review first the classical story and then go
on to report on work by Gonzalez, Segovia, Uribe and myself.

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The schedule of the seminar can be checked from