Date: Tue Feb 03 15:13:02 GMT 2009
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Seminar at IPMU on 2009/2/5
Dear colleagues:

We announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

Date:   Feb 5, 2009, 15:30-17:00
Place:  Seminar Room at IPMU Prefab. B, Kashiwa Campus of the
University of Tokyo
Speaker:      Daniel Sternheimer (Keio University)
Title:  The deformation philosophy of quantization, singleton physics
and noncommutative analogues of space-time structures
Abstract:     Deformations in physics and mathematics are part of a
deformation philosophy, promoted in mathematical physics in joint work
with Moshe Flato since the 70's (the notion itself can be traced back
to Pythagoras).  The main conceptual advances in 20th century physics,
relativity and quantization, manifest it. In deformation quantization
(including its realization on manifolds), quantization is understood
as deformations of commutative algebra structures into non commutative
algebra structures (which includes quantum groups). One may also think
of objects dual to noncommutative algebras, the so-called quantum
spaces, as  deformations of classical spaces, the objects dual to
commutative algebras (that is the essence of noncommutative geometry).
 Deforming Minkowski space-time leads to a fruitful object which
together with its group of symmetries is referred as AdS or "anti de
Sitter space". The study of AdS has significant physical consequences.
One example is that massless particles in 4-dimensional space-time
like photons become, in a way compatible with quantum electrodynamics,
composites of massless particles in 3-dimensional space-time
(singletons) that exhibit AdS/CFT correspondence. Combining all this
leads to an ongoing program in which AdS would be quantized in some
regions related to black holes. We speculate that this could explain a
universe in accelerated expansion and maybe baryogenesis. The first
part will present the major ideas and the second develop the points
which the audience will prefer. It is hoped that this broad picture,
"tailor made" for IPMU, will inspire some of its researchers.

Please notice that the seminar will be held at the "Prefab" of IPMU.

You can check the location from

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from