Date: Tue Nov 18 02:45:10 GMT 2008
From: Satoshi Kondo
Subject: Seminar at IPMU on Nov 28
Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo(IPMU)

Date: November 28 (Fri), 2008, 13:30 - 15:00

Place: Seminar Room at IPMU Prefab. B, Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo

Speaker: Mikae"l Pichot (IPMU)

Title: Groups of intermediate rank

Abstract: I will present a class of countablegroups with intermediate
rank properties.  This allows a rather smooth interpolation between
the usual rank 1 and "higher rank" situations. For many of these
groups (infinitely many), the Baum-Connes conjecture holds. This is
joint work with Sylvain Barre.

Please notice that the seminar will be held at the "Prefab" of IPMU.
It is located at the next of the prefab of "Frontier Sciences,
Computational Biology"
You can check the location from

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from