Date: Mon Jun 02 10:49:30 GMT 2008
From: Yuji Sano
Subject: IPMU Mathematics and Physics seminar in Kashiwa
Dear colleagues,

IPMU (the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe)
holds Mathematics and Physics seminar
on Thursday, 15:30 -- 17:00 at Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo.
The detail of the seminar is as follows:

IPMU Mathematics and Physics seminar in Kashiwa

Date: 12 (Thu) June, 2008, 15:30 -- 17:00

Place: "Seminar Room at Prefab. B", Kashiwa Campus, the University of Tokyo.

Speaker: Shushi Harashita (IPMU)

Title: Generic Newton polygons of Ekedahl-Oort strata in the moduli space of
abelian varieties.

Abstract: We study the moduli space of principally polarized abelian
varieties in
positive characteristic. The moduli space has two main stratifications,
called Newton polygon (NP) stratification and Ekedahl-Oort (EO) stratification.
It is considered very important in arithmetic geometry to clarify the
singularities of NP strata. As a first step it would be natural to investigate
the intersections of NP strata and EO strata. In this talk I will introduce
an algorithm determining the Newton polygon of any generic point of
each EO stratum,
which is closely related to Oort's conjecture on the intersections of
NP strata and EO strata.
I will also show that certain unions of EO strata contained in the
supersingular locus
can be beautifully described in terms of Deligne-Lusztig varieties.

Please notice that the Mathematics and Physics seminar will be held at
"the Prefab" of IPMU.
It is located at the next of the prefab of "Frontier Sciences,
Computational Biology"
(情報生命科学実験棟). Also please notice that the prefab of IPMU wouldn't
appear on maps of Kashiwa campus,
because it is quite new. As for the location of the prefab of Frontier
Sciences, Computational Biology,
you can check from the following maps.

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

We welcome the participation of an audience with broad interests.

Best Regards,

the seminar organizers:
Shushi Harashita (IPMU)
Yuji Sano (IPMU)