Date: Mon May 19 03:44:03 GMT 2008
From: Yuji Sano
Subject: IPMU Mathematics seminar in Kashiwa
Dear colleagues,

IPMU (the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe)
holds Mathematics seminar
on Thursday, 15:30 -- 17:00 at Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo.
The detail of the next seminar is as follows:

IPMU Mathematics seminar in Kashiwa

Date: 29 (Thu), May, 2008, 15:30 -- 17:00

Place: Room 630, 6th floor, Research Centers Building,
Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo.

Speaker: Masahito Yamazaki (Univ. of Tokyo)

Title: Quivers, brane tilings and toric Calabi-Yau/Sasaki-Einstein geometry

Abstract: In string theory, there is a remarkable conjecture that the
study of quivers is in a sense ``equivalent" to toric Sasaki-Einstein
geometry or its cone toric Calabi-Yau geometry.

In this talk, I will report on possible mathematical formulation of this
conjecture. First, I will present categorical formulation of
this equivalence (joint work with Kazushi Ueda). In this discussion,
bipartite graphs on two-dimensional torus, known as brane tilings, play
crucial roles. I will also describe the relation of quivers and brane tilings to
Sasaki-Einstein geometry, and explain the equivalence of the
``a-function" of quiver with relations and the volume of
Sasaki-Einstein manifold.

The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

We welcome the participation of an audience with broad interests.

Best Regards,

the seminar organizers:
Shushi Harashita (IPMU)
Yuji Sano (IPMU)