Date: Tue Oct 01 10:09:53 GMT 2002
From: Jinichi Itoh



伊藤 仁一
j-itoh at
〒860-8555  熊本市黒髪 2丁目 40-1  熊本大学教育学部
         Tel 096-342-2593(直通)
            Tel 096-342-2595(事務室,FAX)


  << Workshop of Intuitive Geometry >>

日時:  2002年10月12日午後 -- 10月14日午前
場所:  熊本大学教育学部 117番教室

13:30 -- 14:15  Ren Ding (Hebei Normal Univ.)
               「Dissectionof a polygon into triangles of equal area」
14:30 -- 15:15  占部正承(東海大)
15:45 -- 16:30  八森正泰 (筑波大)
               「The dunce hat and a nonshellable decomposition of
                 a 3-sphere」

 9:30 --  9:50  若松和憲 (熊本大)
               「Total curvature of shortest path」
10:00 -- 10:20  田上雄一 (学園大付属高校)                        
               「How to hold a prism?」
10:45 -- 11:30  前田陽一 (東海大)
               「Central projection of cube on the sphere and several
                 relations between visual angles of cube」
13:30 -- 14:15  榎本一之 (東京理科大)
               「Total abusolute curvature of nonclosed curves
                 in the 2-sphere」
14:30 -- 15:15  大塚富美子 (茨城大)
15:45 -- 16:30  Wayne Rossman (神戸大)

 9:30 -- 10:15  双知延行 (岡山大)
10:45 -- 11:30  Tudor Zamfirescu (Univ. Dortmund)
               「Several topics in intuitive geometry」


伊藤 仁一
〒860-8555  熊本市黒髪 2丁目 40-1  熊本大学教育学部
         Tel 096-342-2593(直通)
            Tel 096-342-2595(事務室,FAX) 
            E-mail: j-itoh at


  << Workshop of Intuitive Geometry >>
     at Kumamoto University (Japan)              

Date:   2002.10.12 13:00 -- 2002.10.14 12:00
Place:  Room 117, Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University

Program(tentative version)
12 Oct. (Sat)
13:30 -- 14:15  R. Ding (Hebei Normal Univ.)
                "Dissectionof a polygon into triangles of equal area"
14:30 -- 15:15  M. Urabe (Tokai Univ.)
                "Convex polygon containing k points (tentative thema)"
15:45 -- 16:30  M. Hachimori (Tsukuba Univ.)
                "The dunce hat and a nonshellable decomposition of
                 a 3-sphere"

13 Oct. (Sun)
 9:30 --  9:50  K. Wakamatsu (Kumamoto Univ.)
                "Total curvature of shortest path"
10:00 -- 10:20  Y. Tanoue (Kumamoto Gakuen High School)
                "How to hold a prism?"
10:45 -- 11:30  Y. Maeda (Tokai Univ.)
                "Central projection of cube on the sphere and several
                 relations between visual angles of cube"
13:30 -- 14:15  K. Enomoto (Science Univ. of Tokyo)             
                "Total abusolute curvature of nonclosed curves
                 in the 2-sphere"
14:30 -- 15:15  T. Ohtsuka (Ibaraki Univ.)
                "On a classification of two dimensional flat polyhedra"
15:45 -- 16:30  W. Rossman (Kobe Univ.)
                "How to construct constant mean curvature surfaces"

14 Oct.(Mon)
 9:30 -- 10:15  N. Souchi (Okayama Univ.)
                "On the metric invariant of Alexsandrov spaces"
10:45 -- 11:30  T. Zamfirescu (Uni. Dortmund)
                "Several topics in intuitive geometry"

Jin-ichi Itoh
Kumamoto University, Faculty of Education, Dept. of Math.
Kumamoto, 860-8555, JAPAN
E-Mail: j-itoh at
   Tel: +81-96-342-2593
   Fax: +81-96-342-2595