Title:Holographic duals of evaporating black holes Speaker: Ryotaku Suzuki (Toyota Technological Institute) Date/time/place: 3rd Feb, 16:00-17:30, A207 Abstract: As the holographic dual of dynamically evaporating black holes on the AdS brane, we describe the bulk black hole intersecting with the brane which dynamically slides off into the bulk. To capture this dynamics, we apply the large D effective theory of the bulk AdS black holes, which greatly simplifies the analysis. We also study some other situations in the same setup. In this talk, I will first review the basic features of the large D effective theory. And then, I will introduce the large D effective theory in the AdS bulk, and several results without branes. Finally, I will explain the analysis and results with branes, and discuss its interpretation. Refs: 2112.07967, 2211.04333, 2301.02587