Gauge Fields and Matter Fields Localized on Walls Norisuke Sakai Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University, abstract: Brane-world scenario presupposes localization of The Standard Model particles on a brane. It has been difficult to localize non-Abelian gauge fields on branes such as domain walls. In Ref.1, we have proposed a mechanism using the field-dependent gauge coupling which gives a position-dependent gauge coupling when domain wall solution is constructed. With the appropriate position-dependent gauge coupling, we can localize non-Abelian gauge fields on domain walls in five-dimensional space-time. Low-energy effective theory posseses a massless vector field, and a mass gap. The four-dimensional gauge invariance is maintained intact. In order to localize massless matter fields in nontrivial representations of the gauge group, we introduce fields with a global symmetry, as in Ref.2. In Ref.3, we have successfully identified a subgroup of the global symmetry as the gauge group whose gauge fields are localized on the wall. Both non-Abelian gauge fields and minimally interacting massless matter fields are localized on a domain wall in the five-dimensional spacetime. In Ref.4, an economical field content allows us to eliminate a moduli for a instability, and to demonstrate the positivity of the position-dependent coupling in the entire moduli space. Effective Lagrangian similar to the chiral Lagrangian is found with a new feature of different coupling strengths for adjoint and singlet matter that depend on the width of the domain wall. Our result provides a step towards a realistic model building of brane-world scenario using topological solitons. References: 1.Prog.Theor.Phys. 124-71 (2010),Ohta and Sakai, ``Non-Abelain Gauge Field Localized on Walls with Four-Dimensional World Volume'' 2.Phys.Rev.77-125008 (2008), Eto, Fujimori, Nitta, Ohashi, and Sakai, ``Domain walls with non-Abelian clouds'' 3.Prog.Theor.Exp.Phys. 2013-013B05 (2013), Arai, Blaschke, Eto, and Sakai ``Matter Fields and non-Abelain Gauge Fields Localized on Walls'' 4.Prog.Theor.Exp.Phys. 2013-0903B01 (2013), Arai, Blaschke, Eto, and Sakai ``Stabilizing Matter and Gauge Fields Localized on Walls''