講演者:大橋 圭介(大阪市立大) 題名 NonAbelian Vortex with Aharonov-Bohm Effect アブスト The interplay of the gauge dynamics and flavor symmetries often lead to remarkably subtle phenomena in the presence of solitonlike configurations. NonAbelian vortices - vortex solutions with continuous internal orientational moduli - are an example. Here we study the effect of weakly gauging a U(1)R subgroup of the flavor symmetry on such BPS vortex solutions, in a prototype setting of SU(2) × U(1) gauge theory with Nf = 2 sets of fundamental scalars. The system has now an unbroken U(1) “electromagnetic” gauge symmetry. The weak U(1)R gauging converts the well-known CP1 orientational modulus |B| of the nonAbelian vortex into the strength of the magnetic flux characterizing the electromagnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect. The phase of B remains a genuine zero mode, rendering the vortex into a superconducting string.