タイトル:Plane Partition Realization of (Web of) W-algebra Minimal Models アブストラクト: Recently, Gaiotto and Rapcak proposed a new family of the vertex operator algebra (VOA) as the symmetry appearing at an intersection of five-branes. It is believed to be isomorphic to a truncation of affine Yangian of gl(1), whose module can be described by a plane partition. By gluing plane partitions, one can obtain various VOAs, which is referred to as webs of W-algebras. In this talk, I will discuss the minimal model realization of such VOAs using “double truncation” of plane partitions. For a single plane partition, all the minimal model irreducible representations of W_N algebras are reproduced. For the simplest nontrivial webs of W-algebras, N=2 superconforal algebra, we will see that the glued plane partitions give the known character of N=2 unitary minimal models. This talk is based on the work arXiv:1810.08512 with Yutaka Matsuo.