From: Maurizio Colucci To: lablgtk Subject: Texture mapping nightmare Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 15:22:56 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-Id: <200408221522.57157.seguso.forever at> Hello again :-P I am sorry for the flooding, but after 3 days of work I still don't understand why the texture does not appear. A white square is drawn, whereas it should be textured. I have removed all possible sources of errors (I don't use gdkPixbuf for example), and I don't know how to simplify this anymore. The same sequence of calls works in C. I really need help OR a simple helloworld example with texture mapping ( is too difficult: it uses curved surfaces, it does no bind_texture and gen_texture call, and apart from that I don't understand what I am doing different). Thanks for any help. (* Simple program that displays a textured triangle on the screen. The texture is hard-coded, i.e. not loaded from file. *) open List (* "accumulate l f state" invokes f on each element of l, but threading a state. This means that f x state is called for each x in l, but each time with the state produced by the previous call. Example: accumulate [1;2;4] f initial_state means let st1 = f 1 initial_state in let st2 = f 2 st1 in f 4 st2 *) let rec accumulate ~list ~f ~state = match list with [] -> state | h::t -> let state' = f h state in accumulate ~list:t ~f:f ~state:state' type vec2d = {x2:float; y2:float} type texture = { texture_handle: GlTex.texture_id ; texture_size: vec2d } let create_texture2 () = let fill_glpix glp wt ht = let pi = acos (-1.0) in let raw = GlPix.to_raw glp and pos = GlPix.raw_pos glp in for i = 0 to wt - 1 do let ti = 2.0 *. pi *. float i /. float wt in for j = 0 to ht - 1 do let tj = 2.0 *. pi *. float j /. float ht in Raw.sets raw ~pos:(pos ~x:j ~y:i) ( (fun x -> truncate (127.0 *. (1.0 +. x))) [|sin ti; cos (2.0 *. ti); cos (ti +. tj)|]); done; done in let id = GlTex.gen_texture () in GlTex.bind_texture `texture_2d id; let wt = 64 in let ht = 64 in let glp = GlPix.create `ubyte ~height:ht ~width:wt ~format:`rgb in fill_glpix glp wt ht; GlTex.image2d glp; { texture_handle = id; texture_size = {x2 = float wt ; y2 = float ht}} type my_event = Resize of int * int | Redraw | Init | Destroy let pending_events = ref [] let get_pending_events () = let exit = Glib.Main.iteration true (* calls one or more callbacks and fills pending_events *) in let p = !pending_events in pending_events := []; p let manage_event ev (tex, area, quit) = match ev with Destroy -> (tex, area, true) | Resize (wt, ht) -> print_endline "my_opengl_reshape called"; area#make_current (); GlDraw.viewport 0 0 wt ht; GlMat.mode `projection; GlMat.load_identity (); GlMat.ortho (0.0, float wt) (float ht, 0.0) (-1.0, 0.0) ; (tex, area, false) | Redraw -> area#make_current (); GlClear.clear [`color]; let pos = {x2 = 20. ; y2 = 20.} in GlDraw.color (0.8, 0.8, 0.8); GlTex.bind_texture `texture_2d tex.texture_handle; Gl.enable `texture_2d; GlDraw.begins `triangle_fan; GlTex.coord2 (0., 0.) ; GlDraw.vertex2 (pos.x2, pos.y2); GlTex.coord2 (1., 0.); GlDraw.vertex2 (pos.x2 +. tex.texture_size.x2, pos.y2); GlTex.coord2 (1., 1.); GlDraw.vertex2 (pos.x2 +. tex.texture_size.x2, pos.y2 +. tex.texture_size.y2); GlTex.coord2 (0., 1.); GlDraw.vertex2 (pos.x2 , pos.y2 +. tex.texture_size.y2); GlDraw.ends (); Gl.flush (); area#swap_buffers (); (tex, area, false) | Init -> print_endline "my_opengl_init called"; area#make_current (); GlDraw.shade_model `flat; GlClear.color (0.1, 0.02, 0.0); Gl.disable `depth_test; Gl.enable `blend; GlFunc.blend_func `src_alpha `one_minus_src_alpha; Gl.enable `alpha_test; Gl.enable `line_smooth; Gl.enable `point_smooth; GlFunc.alpha_func `greater 0.0 ; (tex, area, false) let rec main_loop area tex = let evlist = get_pending_events () in let (_, _, quit) = accumulate ~f:manage_event ~list:evlist ~state:(tex, area, false) in if quit then () else main_loop area tex let main () = let delete_event ev = print_endline "Delete event occurred"; flush stdout; false (* false = quit *) in let reshape_callback ~width ~height = pending_events := append !pending_events [Resize (width, height)] in let realize_callback () = pending_events := append !pending_events [Init] in let display_callback () = pending_events := append !pending_events [Redraw] in let destroy () = pending_events := append !pending_events [Destroy] in let locale = GtkMain.Main.init () in let window = GWindow.window () in let _ = window#event#connect#delete ~callback:delete_event in let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback:destroy in let ar = GlGtk.area [`USE_GL ; `RGBA; `DOUBLEBUFFER] ~packing:window#add ~show:true () in let _ = ar#connect#reshape ~callback: reshape_callback in let _ = ar#connect#realize ~callback: realize_callback in let _ = ar#connect#display ~callback: display_callback in (* window#maximize (); *) window#show (); let tex = create_texture2 () in main_loop ar tex let _ = main () -- Maurizio Colucci