To: lablgtk at Subject: clipping regions From: Michael Welsh Duggan Date: 23 Mar 2001 12:22:50 -0500 Message-ID: Lines: 22 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-=-=" --=-=-= This may end up being more of a GDK question than a lablgtk one, but since I am programming in lablgtk (and am subscibed to this list), I am hoping somebody here can help me. My understanding was that I could set a clipping region, and then draw anything and it would be clipped by the region. Indeed, it does do that, but it also appears to zap the underlying clipped region beforehand. The attatched file contains the problem. If you comment out the set-clip-region line, you will see what should be drawn (sans clipping). A secondary problem is that it doesn't appear to redraw properly when the window is resized. What event am I incorrectly handling which causes this? --=-=-= Content-Disposition: attachment; open Gdk open GDraw open GMain let normalize (x, y) = (int_of_float x, int_of_float y) let normalize_points points = List.rev_map ~f:normalize points let shift (px, py) ~x ~y = (px + x, py + y) let shift_points points ~x ~y = List.rev_map ~f:(shift ~x ~y) points let factor = sqrt (0.3 /. 0.4) let smallhex_factor = 1.0 /. 2.25 let line_factor = 0.95 let points r = let h = r /. 2.0 and f = factor *. r in [(-.r, 0.0); (-.h, f); (h, f); (r, 0.0); (h, -.f); (-.h, -.f)] type mask = {region: region; points: (int * int) list; mutable location: (int * int)} type t = {radius: int; height: int; hex: mask; smallhex: mask; tech_streams: mask list; time_streams: mask list} let poly_mask pts = {region = Region.polygon pts `WINDING_RULE; location = (0, 0); points = pts} let create radius = let small_radius = radius *. smallhex_factor and r = truncate (radius) in let pts = normalize_points (points radius) and small_pts = normalize_points (points small_radius) and height = truncate (factor *. radius) in let hex_mask = poly_mask pts and smallhex_mask = poly_mask small_pts and stream_diag_offset = truncate (factor *. small_radius *. line_factor) and stream_vert_offset = truncate (small_radius *. line_factor) and other_center = (r * 3 / 2, height) and make_diag (x2, y2) factor = [(0, factor); (0, -factor); (x2, y2 - factor); (x2, y2 + factor)] and make_vert y2 factor = [(- factor, 0); (factor, 0); (factor, y2); (-factor, y2)] and mirror x y l = List.rev_map ~f:(fun (xx, yy) -> (x * xx, y * yy)) l in let diag offset = make_diag other_center offset and vert offset = make_vert height offset and make_streams d v = [mirror 1 (-1) d; d; v; mirror (-1) 1 d; mirror (-1) (-1) d; mirror 1 (-1) v] in let tech_streams = make_streams (diag (stream_diag_offset / 2)) (vert (stream_vert_offset / 2)) and time_streams = make_streams (diag (stream_diag_offset / 6)) (vert (stream_diag_offset / 6)) in let tech_poly_streams = List.rev_map ~f:poly_mask tech_streams and time_poly_streams = List.rev_map ~f:poly_mask time_streams and cut x = {points = x.points; location = x.location; region = (Region.subtract (Region.union x.region hex_mask.region) smallhex_mask.region)} in {radius = r; height = height; hex = hex_mask; smallhex = smallhex_mask; tech_streams = List.rev_map ~f:cut tech_poly_streams; time_streams = List.rev_map ~f:cut time_poly_streams} let shift_region ~x ~y mask = let (cx, cy) = mask.location in let (dx, dy) = (x - cx, y - cy) in begin Region.offset mask.region ~x:dx ~y:dy; mask.location <- (x, y); mask.region end let draw_hex ~(dst:_ drawable) ~x ~y hex_param ~hex = let pts = shift_points ~x ~y hex_param.hex.points and small_pts = shift_points ~x ~y hex_param.smallhex.points and mask = shift_region ~x ~y hex_param.hex and smallmask = shift_region ~x ~y hex_param.smallhex in let donut = Region.subtract mask smallmask and draw_mask mask = dst#polygon ~filled:false (shift_points ~x ~y mask.points) in begin dst#set_foreground `WHITE; dst#polygon ~filled:true pts; dst#set_foreground `BLACK; dst#polygon ~filled:false pts; dst#polygon ~filled:false small_pts; dst#set_clip_region donut; List.iter ~f:draw_mask hex_param.tech_streams; List.iter ~f:draw_mask hex_param.time_streams; end let redraw x t = function _ -> let (x1, y1) as p1 = (t.radius + 5, t.radius + 5) in let f1 = truncate (float t.radius *. factor) and f2 = truncate (float t.radius *. factor *. 2.0) in let (x2, y2) = shift p1 ~x:(t.radius * 3 / 2) ~y:f1 and (x3, y3) = shift p1 ~x:0 ~y:f2 in begin draw_hex ~dst:x ~x:x1 ~y:y1 t ~hex:(); draw_hex ~dst:x ~x:x2 ~y:y2 t ~hex:(); draw_hex ~dst:x ~x:x3 ~y:y3 t ~hex:(); false end let echoEvents (obj: GWindow.window) = let echo x = fun _ -> print_endline x; flush stdout; false in obj#event#connect#button_press ~callback:(echo "Button_Press"); obj#event#connect#button_release ~callback:(echo "Button_Release"); obj#event#connect#configure ~callback:(echo "Configure"); obj#event#connect#delete ~callback:(echo "Delete"); obj#event#connect#destroy ~callback:(echo "Destroy"); obj#event#connect#enter_notify ~callback:(echo "Enter_Notify"); obj#event#connect#expose ~callback:(echo "Expose"); obj#event#connect#focus_in ~callback:(echo "Focus_In"); obj#event#connect#focus_out ~callback:(echo "Focus_Out"); obj#event#connect#key_press ~callback:(echo "Key_Press"); obj#event#connect#key_release ~callback:(echo "Key_Release"); obj#event#connect#leave_notify ~callback:(echo "Leave_Notify"); obj#event#connect#motion_notify ~callback:(echo "Motion_Notify"); obj#event#connect#property_notify ~callback:(echo "Property_Notify"); obj#event#connect#proximity_in ~callback:(echo "Proximity_In"); obj#event#connect#proximity_out ~callback:(echo "Proximity_Out"); obj#event#connect#selection_clear ~callback:(echo "Selection_Clear"); obj#event#connect#selection_notify ~callback:(echo "Selection_Notify"); obj#event#connect#selection_request ~callback:(echo "Selection_Request"); obj#event#connect#unmap ~callback:(echo "Unmap") let main () = let window = GWindow.window ~show:true ~allow_grow:true () in let w = window#misc#window in let drawing = new GDraw.drawable w in let hexes = create 50.0 in let my_redraw () = redraw drawing hexes in begin ignore (echoEvents window); ignore (window#connect#destroy ~callback:Main.quit); ignore (window#event#connect#after#expose ~callback:(my_redraw ())); ignore (window#event#connect#after#configure ~callback:(my_redraw ())); Main.main () end let _ = main () --=-=-= -- Michael Duggan ( --=-=-=--