From: Stalkern 2 Reply-To: stalkern2 at To: lablgtk at Subject: Re: Problem in using an image as DnD source Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 18:02:05 +0100 References: <200401091307.00138.stalkern2 at> In-Reply-To: <200401091307.00138.stalkern2 at> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary="Boundary-00=_Ns+FAlDoAS86dvm" Message-Id: <200401281802.05642.stalkern2 at> --Boundary-00=_Ns+FAlDoAS86dvm Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Il Friday 09 January 2004 13:07, Stalkern 2 ha scritto: > Hello to everybody and a happy new year to you all > (Best Widgets :-)))) > > I'm working out the Drag and Drop example in the lablgtk-2.2.0 > distribution, and I have apparently a little problem when using a > GMisc.image as DnD source, instead of a button. > > Below is my code and the pixmaps that come with: thank you for any idea > about this matter. > Here I come: a drawing area will work instead. This seems to be a nice opportunity e.g. when the DnD source is a cell_renderer_pixbuf . Here I can't align the drawing area but this should in no way be related to DnD. Ciao! Ernesto PS Please reuse pixmap files from previous post of this thread. --Boundary-00=_Ns+FAlDoAS86dvm Content-Type: text/ocaml-src; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" (* Variations on Jacques Garrigue's lablgtk2 example*) (* this is a translation in Caml of the gtk+ example testdnd.c *) (* a typical drag-and-drop cycle would look as follows: 1 Drag begins. 2 Drag data request (when a drop occurs). 3 Drop data received (may be on same or different application). 4 Drag data delete (if the drag was a move). 5 Drag-and-drop procedure done. *) open Gaux open Gtk open GObj open GMain (*.............................................................*) let dragIconPixmap = (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file:"./draggableitem.xpm" ());; let draggedIconPixmap = (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file:"./draggeditem.xpm" ());; let openTrashcanIconPxm = (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file:"./trashcan_open.xpm" ());; let closedTrashcanIconPxm = (GDraw.pixmap_from_xpm ~file:"./trashcan_closed.xpm" ());; let motionIndicatorArray = [|"/";"\\";"_"|];; let motionIndicatorArrayLen = Array.length motionIndicatorArray;; let motionIndicatorRefCounter = ref 0;; (*.............................................................*) let window1 = GWindow.window ~title:"DnD Sources Plus One Receiver" (*~width:300 ~height:150*) ();; let _ = window1#misc#realize ();; let window2 = GWindow.window ~title:"DnD Receiver" ~height:150 ();; let _ = window2#misc#realize ();; (*.............................................................*) (* "You will need to set up your destination widgets to receive certain drag * and drop types by specifing a name and/or number. It would be more reliable * to use a name since another application may just happen to use the same * number for for an entirely different meaning." *) let (dndTargets:(Gtk.target_entry) list) = [ { target = "A_STRING"; flags = []; info = 0 }; { target = "A_STRING_OF_FLOAT"; flags = []; info = 1} ];; (*.............................................................*) (*let's start with a new, clean handler*) class neutralDragHandler = object method private beginning (_ : drag_context) = () method private data_delete (_ : drag_context) = () method private data_get (_ : drag_context) (_ : selection_context) ~info:(_ : int) ~(time: int32) = () method private data_received (_ : drag_context) ~(x: int) ~(y: int) (_ : selection_data) ~(info:int) ~(time: int32) = () method private drop (_ : drag_context) ~(x: int) ~(y: int) ~(time: int32) = false method private ending (_ : drag_context) = () method private leave (_ : drag_context) ~(time: int32) = () method private motion (_ : drag_context) ~(x: int) ~(y: int) ~(time: int32) = false end;; (*.............................................................*) class trashcanTargetForDrag ?packing ?show () = let (thrashcanPixmap:GMisc.image) = GMisc.pixmap closedTrashcanIconPxm ?packing ?show () in object (self) inherit widget (thrashcanPixmap#as_widget) inherit neutralDragHandler val mutable have_drag = false method leave _ ~time = print_endline "Item leaving thrashcan area"; flush stdout; have_drag <- false; thrashcanPixmap#set_pixmap closedTrashcanIconPxm method motion (context:GObj.drag_context) ~(x:int) ~(y:int) ~(time:int32) = let () = GtkBase.DnD.highlight (thrashcanPixmap#as_widget) in (*can't see this working*) let () = if (not have_drag) then (*our target should receive _one_ drag at a time*) ( have_drag <- true; thrashcanPixmap#set_pixmap openTrashcanIconPxm ) else () in let () = let () = (Printf.printf "%s" motionIndicatorArray.((!motionIndicatorRefCounter mod motionIndicatorArrayLen )); flush stdout) in incr motionIndicatorRefCounter in let () = context#status [context#suggested_action] ~time (* ??? *) in true method data_received aContext ~x ~y (receivedData:GObj.selection_data) ~info ~time = if (receivedData#format) = 8 then (* "The unit length of the data in bits (e.g. 8 for a string or 32 of an integer)"*) ( let () = let sourceTypeName (* what widget is the drag_source ? *) = try aContext#source_widget#misc#get_type with Gpointer.Null -> "unknown" in (Printf.printf "Trashcan received \"%s\" from a %s\n" receivedData#data sourceTypeName ; flush stdout) in (aContext#finish ~success:true ~del:false ~time ) ) else (aContext#finish ~success:false ~del:false ~time); method drop aContext ~x ~y ~time = (* this method contains a data_request to the source and is connected later on to the drag_drop signal *) let () = (prerr_endline "Dropping on trashcan"; flush stdout) in let () = (*free the flag*) have_drag <- false in let () = thrashcanPixmap#set_pixmap closedTrashcanIconPxm in false initializer (* GTK+ 2.0 Tutorial says: "A GDK_ACTION_COPY would be a typical drag-and-drop * without the source data being deleted * while GDK_ACTION_MOVE would be just like GDK_ACTION_COPY * but the source data will be 'suggested' to be deleted after * the received signal handler is called"*) thrashcanPixmap#drag#dest_set [(List.find (fun tgt -> ( = "A_STRING") ) dndTargets)] ~actions:[`COPY ]; thrashcanPixmap#drag#connect#leave ~callback:self#leave; thrashcanPixmap#drag#connect#motion ~callback:self#motion; thrashcanPixmap#drag#connect#drop ~callback:self#drop; thrashcanPixmap#drag#connect#data_received ~callback:self#data_received; () end;; (*.............................................................*) class areaTargetForDrag ?packing ?show () = let refDataAccum = ref [] in let targetAreaLabel = GMisc.label ~text:"Drop Here\n" ?packing ?show () in object (self) inherit widget targetAreaLabel#as_widget inherit neutralDragHandler method drop aContext ~x ~y ~time = (* this method contains a data_request to the source and is connected later on to the drag_drop signal *) let () = (prerr_endline "Dropping on target area"; flush stdout) in false; method data_received aContext ~x ~y receivedData ~info ~time = ( ( if (receivedData#format = 8) then ( let () = (Printf.printf "Target area received \"%s\"\n" receivedData#data; flush stdout ) in let () = refDataAccum := ((float_of_string receivedData#data)::!refDataAccum) in let meanValNow = ((List.fold_left (+.) 0. !refDataAccum) /. (float (List.length !refDataAccum)) ) in let droppedItemsStr = (List.fold_left (fun a b -> (a^";"^(string_of_float b))) "" (List.rev !refDataAccum) ) in let () = targetAreaLabel#set_text ("You Have Just\nDropped "^ (receivedData#data)^ "\n\n So The Overall Dropped Items List is \n ["^ droppedItemsStr^ "] \n\nAverage Is Now "^ (string_of_float meanValNow)) in (aContext#finish ~success:true ~del:false ~time ) ) else (aContext#finish ~success:true ~del:false ~time ) ) ) initializer targetAreaLabel#drag#dest_set [(List.find (fun tgt -> ( = "A_STRING_OF_FLOAT") ) dndTargets)] ~actions:[`COPY ]; targetAreaLabel#drag#connect#drop ~callback:self#drop; targetAreaLabel#drag#connect#data_received ~callback:self#data_received; () end (*.............................................................*) class buttonSourceOfDrag ?packing ?show () = let aButton = GButton.button ?packing ?show () in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~border_width:2 ~packing:(aButton#add) ~show:true () in let buttonPxm = GMisc.pixmap dragIconPixmap ~packing:(vbox#pack ~padding:3 ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in let buttonLabel = GMisc.label ~text:"Drag me\n" ~packing:(vbox#pack ~padding:3) () in let contentUpdateCounter = ref 0 in object (self) inherit widget (aButton#as_widget) inherit neutralDragHandler method beginning aContext = print_endline "Item dragged!"; flush stdout; method data_get _ sel ~info ~time = match info with | 0 -> sel#return "Oh! Here I land." | 1 -> let () = (incr contentUpdateCounter) in sel#return ~format:8 (string_of_float ((float !contentUpdateCounter) *. 3.)) | _ -> () method data_delete _ = print_endline "Delete the data!"; flush stdout initializer (aButton#drag#source_set dndTargets ~modi:[`BUTTON1] ~actions:[`COPY ]; aButton#drag#source_set_icon draggedIconPixmap; aButton#drag#connect#beginning ~callback:self#beginning; aButton#drag#connect#data_get ~callback:self#data_get; aButton#drag#connect#data_delete ~callback:self#data_delete; () ) end (*.............................................................*) class daSourceOfDrag ~packing ?show () = (* we must provide packing because we're going to realize a widget *) (*for pixbuf, see by Jacques Garrigue*) let pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.from_file "./draggableitem.xpm" in let (pixmap, bitmapOption) = GdkPixbuf.create_pixmap pixbuf in let width = GdkPixbuf.get_width pixbuf in let height = GdkPixbuf.get_height pixbuf in let da = GMisc.drawing_area ~width:width ~height:height ~packing ?show () in let dw = da#misc#realize (); new GDraw.drawable da#misc#window in let aCbID = da#event#connect#expose (fun _ -> dw#put_pixmap ~x:0 ~y:0 pixmap; true) in let contentUpdateCounter = ref 0 in object (self) inherit widget (da#as_widget) inherit neutralDragHandler method beginning aContext = print_endline "Item dragged!"; flush stdout; method data_get _ sel ~info ~time = match info with | 0 -> sel#return "I'm Data!" | 1 -> let () = (incr contentUpdateCounter) in sel#return ~format:8 (string_of_float ((float !contentUpdateCounter) *. 3.)) | _ -> () method data_delete _ = print_endline "Delete the data!"; flush stdout initializer ( da#drag#source_set dndTargets ~modi:[`BUTTON1] ~actions:[`COPY ]; da#drag#source_set_icon draggedIconPixmap; da#drag#connect#beginning ~callback:self#beginning; da#drag#connect#data_get ~callback:self#data_get; da#drag#connect#data_delete ~callback:self#data_delete; () ) end ;; (*.............................................................*) let main () = let hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:true ~border_width:2 ~packing:(window1#add) ~show:true () in let aDnDSource = new buttonSourceOfDrag ~packing:(hbox #add) () in let imageSourceVbox = GPack.vbox ~border_width:2 ~packing:(hbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) ~show:true () in let imageSourceAlignment = GBin.alignment ~xalign:1.0 ~packing:(imageSourceVbox #pack ~expand:true ~fill:true) () in let anotherDnDSource = new daSourceOfDrag ~packing:(imageSourceAlignment #add) () in let aDnDSourceLabel = GMisc.label ~text:"Can you\ndrag me too?\n"~packing:(imageSourceVbox #add) () in let aDnDTarget = new trashcanTargetForDrag ~packing:(hbox #add) () in let anotherDnDTarget = new areaTargetForDrag ~packing:(window2#add) () in let () = ( window1#connect#destroy ~callback: Main.quit; window1#show (); window2#connect#destroy ~callback: Main.quit; window2#show () ) in Main.main () ;; (*.............................................................*) let _ = main () ;; (*.............................................................*) --Boundary-00=_Ns+FAlDoAS86dvm--