From: Stalkern 2 Reply-To: stalkern2 at To: lablgtk at Subject: Columned tree with editable cells Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:52:28 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary="Boundary-00=_81SBA8jPE/qg7Ut" Message-Id: <200401141252.28593.stalkern2 at> --Boundary-00=_81SBA8jPE/qg7Ut Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Hello to everybody! I've put up another code sample. Could anybody take a look at it, before I publish it for the sake of the ocamlers ? It works fine, maybe I'd just set that cells of missing elements are not editable (they lack a place for recording changes), how do I swap cell_renderers? Thanks in advance! Ernesto --Boundary-00=_81SBA8jPE/qg7Ut Content-Type: text/ocaml-src; charset="us-ascii"; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" (* Lablgtk2 Tree View with Tree Mapping and editable Cells*) (* Wed Jan 14 12:36:15 CET 2004; code written by stalkern at *) (* We are planning to work with a Tree View. * To help ourselves do so, we'll set up a classic Ocaml tree structure * and use it as an image for the Tree View. This is because the coder of this article feels * that tree structures give their best with Functional Programming; however, gtk functions exist * for querying a TreeStore for valid and non valid iters, once you've managed to build it. * If tree structures are not your piece of cake, you can build tree views by hand, and jump to the * gtk wrapper classes. * * It is unpractical to write trees by hand, so we will build up trees of the desired type starting from * a list of (content, position)-couples. * One problem is that who fills the association list is not bound to writing down all the * logical positions required; one could ask for putting item "Serendipity" at position 3:2, but miss * to say anything about the existence and contents of positions 0, 1, 2, 3, 3:0, 3:1. * We'll therefore work out a way to deduct the positions assumed by one, and build a tree that * is the minimum necessary for having the desired position. * We can do so for every requested position, and then merge the "assumed" trees to get the * overall tree with all of the requested positions. * So far, this is common Ocaml tree programming; now comes GTK-2. * Having a tree holding positions behind the scenes would not lead to a gtk-2 tree view * if these positions can't ease up working with Gtk.tree_iter's. That's why we prepare * at every Node a place for a Gtk.tree_iter besides the place for the said position * expressed in terms of a path, i.e. a integer list (that we'll call "PIL"). * To place the proper Gtk.tree_iters in our tree_iters and paths tree, we modify the classic * function for vertical iteration on a tree, by having it forward the "parent" tree_iter. * This way, we walking our image and build up the gtk tree store accordingly, and still keep track of * the tree_iters in our image. *) (* * Cell editing is set at cell renderer' s level. The GTree.cell_renderer_text_signals class * has a method "edited" accepting a callback that gets a cell path and an edited string. * All that is left to do is updating the place where items are recorded. * Please notice that since editing makes it possible to the user to enter text, and we don't know * beforehand whether will such text comply to our charset, we'll wisely choose to * refer to UTF-8, and perform some UTF-8 conversions when needed. *) (*..........................................................................................*) open StdLabels open Gobject.Data (*..........................................................................................*) (*INITS*) let theProgramCodesetStr = "ISO-8859-1";; let utf8ItemsAndPILList = ref [ ("root",[0]); ("child 1-0", [1;0]); ("child 1-1", [1;1]); ("child 1-2", [1;2]); ("child 2-2", [2;2]); ("child 3-4-3", [3;4;3]); ];; (*..........................................................................................*) (*TYPES*) type myTreeCellRendererType = StringCellRendererBuild of (string GTree.column ) | PixbufCellRendererBuild of (GdkPixbuf.pixbuf GTree.column) | ToggleCellRendererBuild of (bool GTree.column) | EditableCellRendererBuild of (string GTree.column );; (*..........................................................................................*) (*UTF-8 CONVERSION*) let string_from_utf8 aString = Glib.Convert.convert ~to_codeset: theProgramCodesetStr ~from_codeset: "utf-8" aString ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let string_to_utf8 aString = Glib.Convert.convert ~to_codeset: "utf-8" ~from_codeset: theProgramCodesetStr aString ;; (*..........................................................................................*) (* TREE STRUCTURE FOR MANAGING THE GTK TREESTORE *) (*Types for tree mapping *) type aPathIntegerListType = SuperRoot | Path of int list;; type 'a treestoreTreeType = Node of ((Gtk.tree_iter option) * aPathIntegerListType) * (((Gtk.tree_iter option) * aPathIntegerListType) treestoreTreeType list);; (*..........................................................................................*) let pathString_of_path aPath = match aPath with | SuperRoot -> failwith "Path is SuperRoot" | Path aPIL -> match aPIL with | [] -> failwith "Path is Void" | hd::tail -> List.fold_left ~f:(fun i1str i2 -> (i1str^":"^(string_of_int i2))) ~init:(string_of_int hd) tail ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let parentPath_of_path aPath = match aPath with | SuperRoot -> failwith "Path is SuperRoot" | Path aPIL -> match aPIL with | hd::[] -> SuperRoot | _ -> Path (List.rev ( (List.rev aPIL))) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let depth_of_path aPath = match aPath with | SuperRoot -> failwith "Path is SuperRoot" | Path aPIL -> ((List.length aPIL) - 1) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let previousSiblingList_of_path aPath = match aPath with | SuperRoot -> failwith "Path is SuperRoot" | Path aPIL -> let posOfLast = (List.hd (List.rev aPIL)) in let parentPIL = (parentPath_of_path aPath) in let rec walk aCounter aPosOfLast aMatchedL = if (aCounter = aPosOfLast) then List.rev aMatchedL else ( walk (aCounter + 1) aPosOfLast (match parentPIL with | SuperRoot -> ((Path [aCounter])::aMatchedL) | Path aParentPIL -> ((Path (aParentPIL@[aCounter]))::aMatchedL) ) ) in walk 0 posOfLast [] ;; (*..........................................................................................*) (* get full tree supposed by a single item: no iters yet*) let rec get_individualPathTree (currentNode: (Gtk.tree_iter option * aPathIntegerListType) treestoreTreeType) = match currentNode with | Node ((currentIter, currentPath), nodeChildrenPathsL) -> let depthOfCurrentPIL = (depth_of_path currentPath) in if (depthOfCurrentPIL = 0) then ( Node ((None, SuperRoot), ( ( (fun aPath -> (Node ((None, aPath), []))) (previousSiblingList_of_path currentPath) )@ [currentNode] ) ) ) else ( let newUpperNode = ( Node ((None,(parentPath_of_path currentPath)), ( ( (fun aPath -> (Node ((None,aPath), []))) (previousSiblingList_of_path currentPath) )@ [currentNode]) ) ) in get_individualPathTree newUpperNode ) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let rec iter_tree_vert funcOnNodeData (aTree: 'a treestoreTreeType) = match aTree with | Node ((ni,nd), nch) -> ( let () = funcOnNodeData nd in (List.iter (fun aNode -> iter_tree_vert funcOnNodeData aNode) nch ) ) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let show_tree (aTree:'a treestoreTreeType) = let () = (print_endline "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"; flush stdout) in iter_tree_vert (fun nd -> print_endline (try (pathString_of_path nd ) with exn -> "SuperRoot" ); flush stdout) aTree ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let rec matchAllToAll mergingOneToAllFun aL1 aL2 = match aL1 with | [] -> aL2 | hd1::tail1 -> matchAllToAll mergingOneToAllFun tail1 (mergingOneToAllFun hd1 aL2) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) (*merge trees, assuming that their data nodes are unique at the same level*) let rec merge_trees (tree1:'a treestoreTreeType) (tree2List:'a treestoreTreeType list) = match (tree1, tree2List) with | (tree1, [] ) -> [tree1] | (tree1, t2hd::t2tail ) -> ( match tree1 with | (Node ((on1i, n1d), n1children )) -> let isAkin aNode2 = match aNode2 with | (Node ((on2i, n2d), n2children )) -> (n2d = n1d) in let oneAkinExists = List.exists isAkin tree2List in if oneAkinExists then ( (fun n2 -> if (not (isAkin n2)) then (*this node2 is not akin to node 1*) n2 else (*node2 is akin to node1 *) ( if (n2 = tree1) then (*node2 is not only akin but also equal to to node1; * i.e, tree1 is already in tree2list *) ( n2 (*i.e., tree1*) ) else ( (*check out children*) match n2 with | (Node ((on2i,n2d), n2children )) -> (Node ((on1i, n1d), ( match n1children with | [] -> n2children | n1childhd::n1childtail -> (matchAllToAll merge_trees n1children n2children ) ) ) ) ) ) ) tree2List ) else (*no akin exists*) ( tree2List@[tree1] ) ) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) (* get overall full tree *) let get_overallPathTree individualPathsTreesList = match individualPathsTreesList with | [] -> failwith "No Individual Paths Provided. " | hd::tail -> List.fold_left ~f:(fun t1 t2 -> let t1plus2List = (merge_trees t1 [t2]) in (* taking List.hd only here is safe because PIL of * all the current Nodes of individualPathsTreesList * will be SuperRoot, i.e. the same*) List.hd t1plus2List) ~init:hd tail ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let rec build_treestoreTree_vert (aTree: 'a treestoreTreeType) (aTreeStore: GTree.tree_store) parentOptIter = let examinedTree = match aTree with | Node ((oni,nd), nch) -> let optCurrentTreeIter = ( match nd with | SuperRoot -> None | Path pil -> Some ( match oni with | None -> (match parentOptIter with | None -> (aTreeStore#append ()) | Some pi -> (aTreeStore#append ~parent:pi ()) ) | Some ni -> ni ) ) in Node ((optCurrentTreeIter,nd), nch) in match examinedTree with | Node ((oni,nd), nch) -> ( Node ((oni,nd), ( (fun aNode -> build_treestoreTree_vert aNode aTreeStore (oni) ) nch ) ) ) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let rec set_treestoreCells (aTree: 'a treestoreTreeType) (aTreeStore: GTree.tree_store) targetViewColumn = match aTree with | Node ((oni,nd), nch) -> ( let () = match oni with | None -> () | Some currentTreeIter -> ( aTreeStore#set ~row:currentTreeIter ~column:targetViewColumn (string_from_utf8 (try (""^(fst (List.find ~f:(fun (_,il) -> (nd = (Path il)) ) !utf8ItemsAndPILList) )) with exn -> (" missing ["^ (try (pathString_of_path nd ) with exn -> "SuperRoot" )^ "]" ) ) ) ) in (List.iter (fun aNode -> set_treestoreCells aNode aTreeStore targetViewColumn) nch ) ) ;; (*..........................................................................................*) (* GTK CLASSES *) class treeView () = let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Tree with editable cells" ~width:200 () in let columnList = new GTree.column_list in let (titleColumn, titleColumnIndex) = ((columnList#add Gobject.Data.string), 0) in let populate_tree (aItemsAndPILList: (string * (int list)) list) (aTreeStore: GTree.tree_store) = (*let's start by ensuring that the tree cells will EXIST; * we'll fill them with the proper contents afterwards *) let theIndividualPathsTreesList = (fun (aItem, aPIL) -> get_individualPathTree (Node ((None, Path aPIL), [])) ) aItemsAndPILList in let theOverallPathTree = get_overallPathTree theIndividualPathsTreesList in (*let () = show_tree theOverallPathTree in*) (* build Gtk tree and add iters in mapping tree *) let theOverallPathTreeWithIters = build_treestoreTree_vert theOverallPathTree aTreeStore None in let () = set_treestoreCells theOverallPathTreeWithIters aTreeStore titleColumn in () in let treeStore =GTree.tree_store columnList in let firstTreeView = GTree.view ~model:treeStore ~headers_clickable:true ~headers_visible:true () in let create_vwColumn ?(appendto = firstTreeView) ?(resizable = true) ?(sortingfor = None) (aTitle:string) (aRendererType:myTreeCellRendererType) = let aVwCol = match aRendererType with | StringCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:((GTree.cell_renderer_text []), ["text",aColumn]) () ) | PixbufCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:((GTree.cell_renderer_pixbuf []), [("pixbuf",aColumn)]) () ) | ToggleCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:((GTree.cell_renderer_toggle [(`RADIO true)]), [("active",aColumn)] ) () ) | EditableCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:( let aCellRenderer = (GTree.cell_renderer_text [(`EDITABLE true);(`FOREGROUND "darkBlue")]) in let aCbID = aCellRenderer#connect#edited ~callback: (fun editedPath editedString -> (*let () = print_endline ("Cell at path="^ (GtkTree.TreePath.to_string editedPath)^ " has been edited as string "^ (string_from_utf8 editedString)^ "!"); flush stdout in*) let () = utf8ItemsAndPILList:= ( (fun (aContent , aPIL) -> if ((Array.to_list (GtkTree.TreePath.get_indices editedPath)) = aPIL) then ((string_to_utf8 editedString), aPIL) else (aContent , aPIL) ) !utf8ItemsAndPILList ) in let editedPathIntList = (Array.to_list (GtkTree.TreePath.get_indices editedPath)) in ( treeStore#set ~row:(treeStore#get_iter editedPath) ~column:aColumn (string_from_utf8 (try (fst (List.find ~f:(fun (_,aPIL) -> (editedPathIntList = aPIL)) !utf8ItemsAndPILList ) ) with exn -> (" missing ["^ (try (pathString_of_path (Path editedPathIntList) ) with exn -> "SuperRoot" )^ "]" ) ) ) ) ) in (aCellRenderer, [("text",aColumn)] ) ) () ) in let colNum= appendto #append_column aVwCol in let () = if resizable then (aVwCol#set_resizable true) else () in (* we set the column of the column list of the tree store to sort this column according to*) let () = match sortingfor with | Some num -> (aVwCol#set_sort_column_id num) | None -> () in aVwCol in object (self) method window = window method columnlist = columnList method titlecolumn = titleColumn method titlecolumnindex = titleColumnIndex method populate aIPILList () = populate_tree aIPILList treeStore method treestore = treeStore method treeview = firstTreeView method treevwcol ?appendto ?resizable ?sortingfor aTitle aRendererDescription = create_vwColumn ?appendto ?resizable ?sortingfor aTitle (aRendererDescription:myTreeCellRendererType) end ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let main () = let treeObj = new treeView () in let window = treeObj#window in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.quit in let () = treeObj#populate !utf8ItemsAndPILList() in let treeView = treeObj#treeview in (* set view columns *) let titleVwColumn = treeObj#treevwcol "Item" (EditableCellRendererBuild (treeObj#titlecolumn)) in let () = vbox#add (treeView#coerce) in let clearButton = GButton.button ~label: "Clear" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID = clearButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> treeObj#treestore#clear ()) in let repopulateButton = GButton.button ~label: "Rebuild" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID =repopulateButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> let () = treeObj#treestore#clear () in treeObj#populate !utf8ItemsAndPILList() ) in let closeButton = GButton.button ~label: "Close" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID = closeButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> window#destroy ()) in let () = window#show () in GMain.main () ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let _ = main ();; (*...........................................................................................*) --Boundary-00=_81SBA8jPE/qg7Ut--