From: Stalkern 2 Reply-To: stalkern2 at To: Olivier Andrieu Subject: Re: About automatic column sorting and right-click detection Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 22:44:31 +0100 Cc: lablgtk at References: <200312171132.49128.stalkern2 at> <200312191550.35477.stalkern2 at> <16355.8721.795161.532146 at> In-Reply-To: <16355.8721.795161.532146 at> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary="Boundary-00=_/E34/A9dNg3+3vB" Message-Id: <200312192244.31974.stalkern2 at> --Boundary-00=_/E34/A9dNg3+3vB Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Il Friday 19 December 2003 17:06, Olivier Andrieu ha scritto: [...] > > let make_event w = new GObj.event_ops w#as_widget > > (make_event you_tree_view_widget)#connect#button_press [...] Yep! Here I have a sample code for an enriched GTK2 List + _I think_ a free bug! The bug is IMHO in GtkTree.TreeView.get_path_at_pos when list headers are visible. I join the code: if you feel like, please help clean it up so that it can be put it on the Internet for the sake of other Ocamlers (I am not the only one interested in righ-click on lists, am I?) Thanks a lot. Ernesto --Boundary-00=_/E34/A9dNg3+3vB Content-Type: text/ocaml-src; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" (* "Enriched" List TreeView *) (* Summarizing some teachings by Jacques Garrigue and Olivier Andrieu *) (* code assembled by *) open StdLabels open Gobject.Data (*..........................................................................................*) let titlesAndAuthorsList = [("The Art of Computer Programming","Donald E. Knuth"); ("The Mart of Tomputer Progapping","Vito De Zito"); ("Peh Prat of Momputer Gropamming", "Agur Ropankanyami"); ("The Cart of Pomputer Crogramming","Zemilyankatkinin Yvan"); ("Che Part of Procuter Mogramming", "Chow Li") ];; let aCheckedRowPixbuf = GdkPixbuf.from_file "roundledchecked22x22.xpm";; let aUncheckedRowPixbuf = GdkPixbuf.from_file "roundledunchecked22x22.xpm";; let activatedRows = ref [];; type myTreeCellRendererType = StringCellRendererBuild of (string GTree.column ) | PixbufCellRendererBuild of (GdkPixbuf.pixbuf GTree.column);; (*..........................................................................................*) class popupMenu () = object (self) val theMenu = () val mutable thePrintedString = "DEFAULT STRING" method menu = theMenu method add_menuitem label = let menuItem = GMenu.menu_item ~label ~packing: theMenu#append () in (menuItem#connect#activate ~callback:(fun () -> (print_endline thePrintedString; flush stdout))) method enhancedpopup ~button ~time content = let () = thePrintedString <- content in theMenu#popup ~button ~time end ;; (*..........................................................................................*) class treeViewWithPopup () = let window = GWindow.window () in let columnList = new GTree.column_list in let (flagColumn, flagColumnIndex) = ((columnList#add Gobject.Data.gobject), 0) in let (titleColumn, titleColumnIndex) = ((columnList#add Gobject.Data.string), 1) in let (authorColumn, authorColumnIndex) = ((columnList#add Gobject.Data.string), 2) in let populate_tree (aTitleAndAuthorList: (string *string) list) (aTreeStore: GTree.tree_store) = List.iter (fun (aTitle, aAuthor) -> let lastFilledRow = aTreeStore#append () in let () = aTreeStore#set ~row:lastFilledRow ~column:flagColumn aUncheckedRowPixbuf in let () = aTreeStore#set ~row:lastFilledRow ~column:titleColumn aTitle in let () = aTreeStore#set ~row:lastFilledRow ~column:authorColumn aAuthor in () ) titlesAndAuthorsList in let treeStore =GTree.tree_store columnList in let firstTreeView = GTree.view ~model:treeStore ~headers_clickable:true ~headers_visible:true () in let create_vwColumn ?(appendto = firstTreeView)?(resizable = true) ?(sortingfor = None) (aTitle:string) (aRendererType:myTreeCellRendererType) = let aVwCol = match aRendererType with | StringCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:((GTree.cell_renderer_text []), ["text",aColumn]) () ) | PixbufCellRendererBuild aColumn -> ( GTree.view_column ~title:aTitle ~renderer:((GTree.cell_renderer_pixbuf []), [("pixbuf",aColumn)]) () ) in let colNum= appendto #append_column aVwCol in let () = if resizable then (aVwCol#set_resizable true) else () in (* we set the column of the column list of the tree store to sort this column according to*) let () = match sortingfor with | Some num -> (aVwCol#set_sort_column_id num) | None -> () in aVwCol in let menuObj = new popupMenu () in let aCallbackID = menuObj#add_menuitem "Print Content of Row" in (* Quoting * * "basically, incomming X events get translated to gdk events which * will then cause signal emissions on the widgets taht these gdk events belong to. * signals are introduced per widget class and provide (simply speaking) a * generic mechanism to hook callback functions into the call sequence upon * execution of an object method." * *) (* right-clicking detection, after Olivier Andrieu*) let make_event w = new GObj.event_ops w#as_widget in let aCallbackID = (make_event firstTreeView)#connect#button_press ~callback:(fun event -> (* We are intercepting the signal, * and the other effects that it may cause * wil take place AFTER this callback. * But we can not miss the change in selection: * so, we'll try to recover it *) let () = firstTreeView#selection#unselect_all () in (* One technique to select the row that we were above * at the time of the button_press event, * is to detect what path corresponds to the * "current" mouse position *) let x, y = (firstTreeView#coerce)#misc#pointer in (*let () = Printf.printf "Pointer is at %i, %i : " x y in*) let optPathColXY = GtkTree.TreeView.get_path_at_pos ~x ~y (GtkTree.TreeView.cast (firstTreeView#as_widget)) in let () = match optPathColXY with | Some (pathWherePointer,_,_,_) -> ( (* Unfortunately there is a kind of oddity, maybe a bug, since * the GtkTree.TreeView.get_path_at_pos function seems * not to take into account the presence of the headers. *) (*let's try to take into consideration the presence of headers ;-( *) let () = GtkTree.TreePath.prev pathWherePointer in (*let () = print_endline ("Mouse Is Over Row: "^ (GtkTree.TreePath.to_string pathWherePointer)) in*) (*let's select our path by hand*) firstTreeView#selection#select_path pathWherePointer ) | None -> () in (*Now, we'll check out that the mouse button pressed was the 3rd one*) let () = if ((GdkEvent.Button.button event) = 3) then let stringToPrint = match (firstTreeView#selection#get_selected_rows) with | [] -> "" | firstSelectedPath::tail -> (Format.sprintf "Welcome to \"%s\" by %s." (treeStore#get ~row:(treeStore#get_iter firstSelectedPath) ~column:titleColumn) (treeStore#get ~row:(treeStore#get_iter firstSelectedPath) ~column:authorColumn) ) in (* this popup call wraps menu#popup by modifying the * string to print on-the-fly *) (menuObj#enhancedpopup ~button:3 ~time:(GdkEvent.get_time event) stringToPrint ) else () in (false) (*let's NOT stop the signal*) ) in (* Callback for the row_activated signal: * after Jacques Garrigue's example, plus changing flag pixmap *) let _ = firstTreeView#connect#after#row_activated ~callback: (fun path vcol -> let selectionIter = treeStore#get_iter path in (*unflag previous activations*) let () = List.iter (fun eliter -> treeStore#set ~row:eliter ~column:(flagColumn) aUncheckedRowPixbuf ) !activatedRows in let () = activatedRows := [] in (*keep track of this activation*) let () = activatedRows := selectionIter::!activatedRows in let () = if (treeStore#iter_is_valid selectionIter) then ( let () = print_endline ("You've been activating \""^ (treeStore#get ~row:selectionIter ~column:(titleColumn))^ "\"") in let () = treeStore#set ~row:selectionIter ~column:(flagColumn) aCheckedRowPixbuf in () ) else () in () ) in object (self) method window = window method columnlist = columnList method flagcolumn = flagColumn method titlecolumn = titleColumn method titlecolumnindex = titleColumnIndex method authorcolumn = authorColumn method authorcolumnindex = authorColumnIndex method populate aTAList () = populate_tree aTAList treeStore method treestore = treeStore method treeview = firstTreeView method treevwcol ?appendto ?resizable ?sortingfor aTitle aRendererDescription = create_vwColumn ?appendto ?resizable ?sortingfor aTitle (aRendererDescription:myTreeCellRendererType) end ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let main () = let treeObj = new treeViewWithPopup () in let window = treeObj#window in let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in let _ = window#connect#destroy ~callback:GMain.quit in let () = treeObj#populate titlesAndAuthorsList () in let treeView = treeObj#treeview in (* set view columns *) let flagVwColumn = treeObj#treevwcol "Double-clicked" (PixbufCellRendererBuild (treeObj#flagcolumn)) in let titleVwColumn = treeObj#treevwcol ~sortingfor:(Some treeObj#titlecolumnindex ) "Title" (StringCellRendererBuild (treeObj#titlecolumn)) in let title2VwColumn = treeObj#treevwcol ~sortingfor:(Some treeObj#titlecolumnindex) "Another View Column for Title" (StringCellRendererBuild (treeObj#titlecolumn)) in let authorVwColumn = treeObj#treevwcol ~sortingfor:(Some treeObj#authorcolumnindex) "Author" (StringCellRendererBuild (treeObj#authorcolumn)) in let () = vbox#add (treeView#coerce) in let clearButton = GButton.button ~label: "Clear" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID = clearButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> treeObj#treestore#clear ()) in let populateButton = GButton.button ~label: "Populate" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID =populateButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> treeObj#populate titlesAndAuthorsList () ) in let closeButton = GButton.button ~label: "Close" ~packing: vbox#add () in let aCbID = closeButton #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun () -> window#destroy ()) in let () = window#show () in GMain.main () ;; (*..........................................................................................*) let _ = main ();; (*...........................................................................................*) --Boundary-00=_/E34/A9dNg3+3vB Content-Type: image/x-xpm; name="roundledchecked22x22.xpm" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="roundledchecked22x22.xpm" /* XPM */ static char * roundledchecked22x22_xpm[] = { "22 22 121 2", " c None", ". c #4EA04E", "+ c #60AE60", "@ c #6DB86D", "# c #6EB96E", "$ c #63B063", "% c #50A250", "& c #3D923D", "* c #62B262", "= c #84C784", "- c #ABD9AB", "; c #C3E4C3", "> c #C4E4C4", ", c #B0DBB0", "' c #89C989", ") c #6AB76A", "! 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