Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 13:38:17 +0100 To: lablgtk at Subject: Crashing bug in lablgtk2 2.2.0 when reading image from pixmap (Windows only) Message-ID: <20031021123817.GA5277 at> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline From: Richard Jones Note this bug is specific to the Windows port. I cannot reproduce it under Linux at all. Save the program below as and compile it with: ocamlc -w s -I +lablgtk2 lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo -o test.exe Then run it and click on the "Save" button a few times. After the _second_ or _third_ time you should see: In callback for signal clicked, uncaught exception: Glib.Critical("GLib-GObject", "file gobject.c: line 1338 (g_object_unref): assertion `object->ref_count > 0' failed") After a few more clicks the program will segfault. Rich. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- open Printf let (//) = Filename.concat let save_it () = prerr_endline "Getting data from the pixmap and saving to print.ppm ..."; let pb = GdkPixbuf.from_file "fish.jpg" in let pm, _ = GdkPixbuf.create_pixmap pb in let width = GdkPixbuf.get_width pb in let height = GdkPixbuf.get_height pb in let img = Gdk.Image.get pm ~x:0 ~y:0 ~width ~height in let vis = Gdk.Image.get_visual img in let colparser = match Gdk.Visual.get_type vis with `TRUE_COLOR | `DIRECT_COLOR -> let red_mask = Gdk.Visual.red_mask vis in let red_shift = Gdk.Visual.red_shift vis in let green_mask = Gdk.Visual.green_mask vis in let green_shift = Gdk.Visual.green_shift vis in let blue_mask = Gdk.Visual.blue_mask vis in let blue_shift = Gdk.Visual.blue_shift vis in (fun pix -> let r = (pix land red_mask) lsr red_shift in let g = (pix land green_mask) lsr green_shift in let b = (pix land blue_mask) lsr blue_shift in r, g, b ) | `PSEUDO_COLOR -> prerr_endline "warning: faking colourmap in PseudoColor visual"; (fun i -> (* XXX Apparently no way to map colour indices to RGB values. *) let r = i land 0xc0 in let g = (i lsl 2) land 0xe0 in let b = (i lsl 5) land 0xe0 in r, g, b) | _ -> failwith "visual type not supported (greyscale monitor?)" in let chan = open_out_bin "print.ppm" in output_string chan (Printf.sprintf "P6 %d %d 255\n" width height); for y = 0 to height-1 do for x = 0 to width-1 do let pix = Gdk.Image.get_pixel img ~x ~y in let r, g, b = colparser pix in output_char chan (char_of_int r); output_char chan (char_of_int g); output_char chan (char_of_int b) done; done; close_out chan; Gc.full_major () let () = let title = "Printing test" in let window = GWindow.window ~title () in window#connect#destroy GMain.quit; let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in let button = GButton.button ~label:"Save as print.ppm" ~packing:vbox#pack () in button#connect#clicked ~callback:save_it; window#show (); GMain.main () ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Richard Jones. Merjis Ltd. - all your business data are belong to you. C2LIB is a library of basic Perl/STL-like types for C. Vectors, hashes, trees, string funcs, pool allocator: